Whitelist Instructions

Whitelist Instructions

Whitelist Instructions

To “whitelist” simply means adding our email address above to your email contacts so your email program knows it is safe to receive emails from us and doesn’t block our newsletter. Below are instructions for several popular email programs… please take this whitelist step now. At the bottom of this page is your instant access to your bonus.

Whitelist Instructions
A whitelist is a list of email addresses that you want to receive email from. By adding an address to your whitelist, you are telling the email system not to filter email from that address. Follow the instructions below for your email provider to add us to your whitelist, to ensure that you receive our newsletter after you subscribe. (From time to time their methods change so consult their help feature if these instructions don’t make sense.)

New Subscribers:
You will need to add our “From address,” reply@bodyecology.com , to your AOL address book:
– Click the Mail menu and select Address Book.
– Wait for the “Address Book” window to pop up, then click the Add button.
– Wait for the “Address Card for New Contact” window to load.
– Once loaded, cut and paste reply@bodyecology.com into the “Other E-Mail” field.
– Make our From address the “Primary E-Mail” address by checking the associated check box.
– Click the Save button.

Existing Subscribers:
If you are already a subscriber but our newsletter isn’t getting through, our newsletter may be in your AOL Spam Folder. Please use your web mail to check your Spam Folder. If our newsletter is in your AOL Spam Folder, open our newsletter and click the This Is Not Spam button. Lastly, please add reply@bodyecology.com into your Address Book as outlined in our New Subscribers info above.

New Subscribers:
You will need to set up a filter to redirect our newsletter into your inbox:
1) Open your mailbox and click on Mail Options (upper right hand corner).
2) Select Filters (bottom left corner).
3) Click the Add link on the Filters page.
4) Update the “From header:” rule with the following 2 pieces of information: “contains” and reply@bodyecology.com. This essentially allows the mail server to identify our newsletter based on the newsletter From address.
5) Click the Choose Folder pull down menu and select inbox.
6) Select the Add Filter button.

Existing Subscribers:
If you are already a subscriber but our newsletter isn’t getting through, check if the newsletter is in your Yahoo Bulk Folder. If our newsletter is there, open our newsletter and click the Not Spam button. Next, check to see if the newsletter’s email address is in your “Blocked Addresses” list. If you see reply@bodyecology.com on this list, select it and click the Remove Block button. Lastly, if you have not done so, please set up a filter as outlined in our New Subscribers info above.

New Subscribers
You will need to add our From address, reply@bodyecology.com, to your Hotmail Safe List:
1) Login to your Hotmail email account
2) Click ‘Options’ on the far right
3) Click on ‘Safe and Blocked Senders’ under the Junk E-mail heading
4) Click on ‘Safe Senders’
5) Enter reply@bodyecology.com and click ‘Add’

Existing Subscribers:
If you are already a subscriber but our newsletter isn’t getting through, make sure that the newsletter is not being sent to your Junk E-Mail Folder. If our newsletter is there, open the newsletter and click the Not Junk button. Next, check to see if the newsletter’s email address is in your Blocked Senders list. If you see reply@bodyecology.com on this list, select it and click the Remove button. Finally, if you have not done so, add reply@bodyecology.com into your Safe List as outlined in our New Subscribers info above.

New Subscribers:
You will need to add our From address, reply@bodyecology.com, to your Gmail Contacts List:
1) Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page.
2) Click Add Contact (may say “Create Contact”)
3) Copy and paste our From address, reply@bodyecology.com into the primary email address dialog box.
4) Click Save.

Existing Subscribers:
If you are already a subscriber but our newsletter isn’t getting through, make sure that the newsletter has not been mistakenly marked as Spam:
– Click Spam along the left side of any Gmail page.
– Check mark the box next to our newsletter.
– Click Not Spam button along the top.

If you are currently restricting email or need to check to determine if your preferences are set to restrict incoming email:
1) Sign in to Comcast Webmail, and select ‘Preferences’ from the left menu
2) Select ‘Restrict Incoming Email’ from the ‘Preferences’ list
3) Select ‘Yes’ to Enable Email Controls (If you do not want to restrict any email addresses click ‘No’)
4) Select ‘Allow email from addresses listed below’
5) Enter reply@bodyecology.com
6) Click ‘Add’

Mozilla Thunderbird
New Subscribers:
You will need to add our From address, reply@bodyecology.com, to your Thunderbird Address Book and configure your Junk Mail Controls to white list your address book.
Add our From address into your Personal Address Book:
– Click the Address Book button.
– Make sure the Personal Address Book is highlighted.
– Click the New Card button. This will launch a New Card window that has 3 tabs: Contact, Address & Other.
– Under the Contact tab, copy and paste our “From” address, reply@bodyecology.com into the Email dialog box.
– Click OK.

White list your Personal Address Book:
– From the main drop down menu, select “Tools -< Junk Mail Controls…”
– This will launch the Junk Mail Controls window that has two tabs: Settings and Adaptive Filter
– Under the Settings tab, update the “White Lists” module by selecting Personal Address Book from the pull down menu and then check mark the box next to “Do not mark messages as junk mail”.
– Click OK.

Existing Subscribers:
Initially, the automatic junk mail detection for incoming messages might not be very accurate and you should check your Junk folder to see our newsletter have been mistakenly detected as junk. To prevent this from happening in the future, you need to mark our newsletter as not junk. Do this by right-clicking on our newsletter and choose “Mark -< As Not Junk”.

New Subscribers:
You will need to add our From address, reply@bodyecology.com, to your Safe Senders list:
– On the Tools menu, click Options.
– On the Preferences tab, click Junk E-mail.
– On the Safe Senders tab, click Add.
– In the Add address, copy and paste in our From address, reply@bodyecology.com
– Click OK.

Existing Subscribers:
If the Junk E-Mail Filter accidentally catches our newsletter, you can simply add our From address, reply@bodyecology.com, to the Safe Senders list, and no future e-mail from us will be inspected by the filter. The instructions are outlined above in our New Subscribers info above.

If you use a Web mail system or email application not listed above, the instructions for whitelisting our address will depend on the specific email program you are using. If you access the help section of your email provider / program, instruction manual or customer support, there should be instructions on how to do this.
In most cases, just by adding our From address, reply@bodyecology.com to your address book, safe list, white list or contact list will be sufficient.

If our book marketing newsletter is not getting to your inbox, then we suggest checking your spam folder, bulk folder or junk folder. If you find our newsletter, then you will need to find a way to inform your mail application that it is not spam. Most likely the course of action is to select our newsletter and click on the Not Spam or Not Junk button, if available. For more information about your mail application, please visit the help section that is associated with your mail application.

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