Type 1 Diabetes: One Factor That Can Increase Your Risk

Type 1 Diabetes: One Factor That Can Increase Your Risk

Type 1 Diabetes: One Factor That Can Increase Your Risk

Could a gluten free diet eliminate signs
and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes?

We are told that all forms of diabetes are chronic, long-term disorders that have no hope of ever being cured.

According to physicians, the best diet for diabetics is high in fiber and low in saturated fats.

All Forms Of Diabetes May Be An Autoimmune Disorder

Type 2 diabetes, which is characterized by insulin resistance, is understood to be the product of lifestyle. This means that our risk for developing type 2 diabetes is influenced by things like:

  • A sugary diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor quality of sleep
  • High levels of stress

Type 1 diabetes, also called juvenile onset diabetes, is slightly different. Type 1 diabetes is a well-known autoimmune disease.

As an autoimmune disease, this means that specific signals in the blood initiate an attack on the body’s own cells. When it comes to type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

Insulin is a key hormone in all forms of diabetes, whether dominated by lifestyle or an autoimmune response. This is because insulin:

  • Helps the body regulate levels of blood sugar.
  • Removes large amounts of sugar from the blood, where it is toxic.
  • Prompts the body’s cells to pick up and use sugar for energy production.
  • Prevents cells from starving and dying.

When the body begins to attack cells that produce insulin, the amount of available insulin drops. And blood sugar levels naturally rise.

Over the last several years, researchers are investigating how type 2 diabetes may also be rooted in an autoimmune response.34


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