The Truth About Obesity: 8 Common Misperceptions and Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution. Part 2.
Myth: Food makes you fat.
Fact: Obesity is the result of many factors including your lifestyle, diet, sleep and exercise patterns, drug use, genetics, and environmental toxins.
Body Ecology says: Certain foods can contribute to weight gain, but the real key is your digestion. Poor digestion and toxins create an acidic environment in your body where pathogenic microorganisms (like yeast, bacteria and fungi) can thrive, making you sick and leading to weight gain.
The Body Ecology protocol for health and wellness promotes a healthy inner ecosystem made of friendly microorganisms (microflora) that live in your intestines and keep you healthy and strong. These microflora help digest your food, strengthen your immune system, and keep you safe from parasites and other pathogens in your food. They literally make vitamins (Bs and K) inside you, and even help you maintain a normal weight.
Myth: High protein diets help you lose weight.
Fact: Excess protein consumption is associated with health risks including heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and elevated levels of ammonium in the female reproductive tract that lead to difficulty conceiving.4
Body Ecology says: Try to seek balance in your diet, emphasizing land and/or ocean vegetables, with a focus on raw, cultured vegetables to improve your digestion and your vitality.
80% of your food should be land and/or ocean vegetables with the other 20% being protein OR grain. However, the key is not just how much protein you eat, it’s also about whether you digest protein. Most people do not have enough stomach acid to digest protein, creating toxins in their body and setting the stage for illness, aging and weight gain. Fermented foods and drinks feed your inner ecosystem with the best probiotics (beneficial microflora) and help you digest your protein foods better. To learn more, read: The Surprising Reason You May be Aging Prematurely: Improper Protein Digestion.
Myth: Obesity is ONLY genetic.
Fact: Hundreds of genes influence body weight, but their interaction is complex. Your environment, behavior, level of exercise and even viral, bacterial and fungal infections contribute to weight gain.7
Body Ecology says: When your inner ecosystem is out of balance, many adverse health conditions occur that can contribute to weight gain. Body Ecology’s anti-viral and anti-fungal protocol can create a healthy inner ecosystem, heal your body, and prevent weight gain.
To learn how, read: How the Bacteria in Your Gut Affect Your Body Weight & How to Get the Balance Right, sheds light on the bacterial and viral connections to obesity.