The Truth About Obesity: 8 Common Misperceptions and  Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution. Part 4.

The Truth About Obesity: 8 Common Misperceptions and Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution. Part 4.

The Truth About Obesity: 8 Common Misperceptions and Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution. Part 4.

Myth: Stress has no effect on weight.

Fact: Chronically stressed people experience weight gain, abdominal obesity, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease more frequently than less stressed people.9

Body Ecology says: Stress makes your blood acidic, robs your body of minerals, and causes you to store fat.

Try to eliminate the major stressors in your life, and support your body by getting plenty of sleep and minerals. We recommend using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to clear addictions, negative thoughts and fears that often create chronic stress.

Myth: There is no cure for obesity.

Fact: Obesity is not a fact of life.

Body Ecology says: Do not let genes, environment or illness keep you from living life at a healthy weight. You can choose foods that help you create health and energy, beginning with your inner ecosystem.

As you start to choose foods that support your body’s natural healing process, you will shed pounds and reduce your risk for illness and disease.

Overall, we just want to feel good. Body Ecology is the key to feeling good from the inside out. Eating the high-energy foods on the Body Ecology program can help you gain the vitality you need to coax your body’s natural healing and metabolic processes back to optimal levels.

Body Ecology also has solutions for the growing epidemic of childhood obesity. In the coming weeks be sure to read our feature on how Body Ecology can treat childhood obesity.

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