The Body Ecology Platinum Package

The Body Ecology Platinum Package

The Body Ecology Platinum Package

New to Body Ecology? Save big by purchasing our most essential BE Diet products!

  • 2 Bottles of InnergyBiotic (1250ml)
  • Vitality SuperGreen
  • Assist SI
  • Stevia Liquid Concentrate
  • Assist Full Spectrum Enzymes
  • Assist Dairy & Protein
  • Super Spirulina Plus
  • Ancient Earth Minerals
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How would you like a healthy, low-calorie source of probiotics that's gluten-free and provides you with loads of energy? Whether at home, in the office, or on the go - you don't have to feel tired, sluggish and "zapped" anymore?

Innergy-Biotic combines all the best features of an:

  • Energy drink
  • Sports drink
  • Performance drink
  • Probiotic superfood

When was the last time you had a drink that gave you energy and improved your health?

In today's line up of energy drinks and sports drinks, you are often getting nothing more than sugar mixed with inferior protein and questionable vitamins and minerals. These drinks boost your energy for a short time...perhaps they promise to replenish your electrolytes... but actually steal energy and vitality from your long-term health.

What if you could heal your digestive tract (your inner ecosystem), revive your energy and get healthy probiotics in one convenient and delicious all-natural liquid? The Body Ecology line of probiotic liquids - which also includes CocoBiotic & Dong Quai -- heal your gut and boost your immunity by providing you a range of healthy probiotics.

Innergy-Biotic is the brand new addition to the Body Ecology line of probiotic liquids. It just may be our most delicious probiotic liquid yet. Yes, it is healthy and healing, but we named it Innergy-Biotic because it makes you feel energetically alive and happy by creating true energy from deep within your hara or power center...your intestines.

Innergy-Biotic is special because it was created by fermenting a blend of high protein, gluten free grains, grain-like seeds and beans...all sources of easily digested vegetarian proteins.

Innergy-Biotic not only provides you with beneficial microflora to improve digestion, but it also contains specific ingredients such as high performance peptides (easily digestible protein sources), antioxidants and other nutritional ingredients.

More than a healthy, energizing liquid, InnergyBiotic can help your body recover from the physical demands of work, exercise or illness and give you a healthy, long-lasting boost of energy while also benefiting your body long-term.


  • An easily digestible source of vegetarian protein - Fermentation naturally breaks down protein into easily digestible amino acids that your body can more quickly utilize.
  • A gluten-free version of our delicious probiotic liquids - while the gluten-containing grains in our other probiotic liquids are technically also gluten-free after they are fermented, some people just want a gluten-free option. With Innergy-Biotic, you have a gluten-free source of healthy probiotics.
  • Boost your energy - Probiotic-rich Innergy-Biotic boosts energy because it helps correct digestion and improves immunity, giving you a natural, lasting energy boost. When the foods you eat digest well you feel this as a boost of energy.
  • An easy, convenient source of probiotics - Probiotics in the form of fermented foods and drinks have long been a cornerstone of the Body Ecology program. Today, the healing benefits of probiotics are even being recognized mainstream medicine.
  • Heal your gut - Body Ecology promotes healing your inner ecosystem and probiotics are key to a healthy gut. The probiotics in Innergy-Biotic are targeted to survive stomach acid that kills most probiotic supplements. The special blend of microflora in Innergy-Biotic help recolonize your intestines quickly, furthering the healing process.
  • Improve your digestion - probiotics increase the bio-availability of each meal by improving your digestion. A healthy digestive tract can better absorb nutrients, allowing nutrient deficiencies to be corrected.
  • Boost your immunity - probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that work to keep you healthy by keeping bad bacteria, fungal infections and parasites at bay. Most people have an overgrowth of the "bad guys," but when you drink a probiotic liquid like those in our delicious Innergy-Biotic you can obtain only the "good guys." These are the ones that keep the bad guys at bay.
  • Recover from physical demands of sports - the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) found that drinks with protein and carbohydrates enhance the efficiency of carbohydrate utilization, improves muscle tissue repair and reduces muscle fibre damage.
  • Create lasting energy - instead of using sugar, caffeine and manufactured vitamins and minerals to create energy, Innergy-Biotic provides natural, whole fermented foods in liquid form. Innergy-Biotic is the best way to increase energy because it works to build your health AND your energy through whole foods and active probiotics.
  • Improve your health - probiotics (healthy microflora) are key to your long term health because they aid your digestion and assimilation of nutrients and they boost the nutrients of your foods by hundreds of times. Healthy microflora even help make important vitamins for healing, like B vitamins and vitamin K.
  • Create beauty from the inside out - probiotics can help keep you slim, make your hair grow long and lustrous, treat acne, prevent wrinkles and keep your skin glowing. Most energy drinks and sports drinks on the market are made with some form of sugar, which damages your health and beauty.

If you look at the nutrition labels of the so-called sports drink or energy drinks, you'll see a lot of quasi-foods and forms of sugar. These designer drinks are like candy in a can, giving you instant gratification in the form of a sugar high. Innergy-Biotic is the best energy drink and sports liquid because it goes way beyond instant gratification.

With Innergy-Biotic, you get a probiotic-rich whole food in liquid form, making the protein and microflora more bio-available for your body. You get energy that lasts and a protein-carbohydrate drink that supports muscle recovery.

Superior Ingredients

  • Organic Quinoa - a "grain-like" seed related to the spinach family that is prized for being a complete protein (contains all 9 essential amino acids that are required by the body as building blocks for muscles). Compared to other grains, quinoa is higher in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc than wheat, barley, or corn. It is also rich in fiber and antioxidants. Quinoa's health benefits include preventing and treating artherosclerosis, breast cancer, diabetes and insulin resistance.
  • Organic Millet - a high-protein "grain-like" seed, millet nutrition is important for B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, tryptophan, fiber and antioxidants. Millet nutrition has been noted for reducing cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, migraines and headaches.
  • Organic Biodynamic Brown Rice - biodynamic farming takes organic to an even higher level by uniting the farm as a unit in which soil, humans, animals and nature work in harmony to produce your food. High-protein brown rice is made even more nutrient-rich through farming methods that honor our Mother Earth.
  • Organic High-Protein Pulses - soybeans, chickpeas and lentils get a boost in digestibility and nutrients when fermented. Because we humans cannot digest unfermented pulses, fermenting these potentially-valuable foods breaks them down so that your body can now obtain the nutrients in them.

Important: Fermented foods and drinks containing both a probiotic and a prebiotic are called a synbiotic. The synbiotic effect from blue agave, honey, the gluten free grain-like seeds and the brown rice in Innergy-Biotic means that not only does it help populate your intestines with beneficial microflora (probiotics), it also helps improve the survival, implantation and growth of newly added microflora strains. The microflora consume this sweet food, yet leave you all the benefits of pulses, seeds and grains.

Body Ecology and the great team at Grainfield's in Australia offer you super potent probiotic liquids like Innergy-Biotic with a superior blend of probiotics that are:

  • Able to survive harsh stomach acids to reach the walls of your intestines and recolonize it more effectively
  • Natural to the human GI tract
  • Compatible with each other

This is much more important than than the many probiotic supplements on the market today that dazzle you with large numbers of colony-forming units (CFUs). These supplements do not have the ability to colonize the way our products do.

Superior Probiotics

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus delbreukii
  • Saccharomyces boulardii
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Full of B vitamins, 9 essential amino acids (creating a perfect protein), magnesium, calcium, tryptophan, antioxidants and a synbiotic blend of probiotics, Innergy-Biotic is your health enhancing performance drink!

Whether you want to climb Mt. Everest, make it through a long day at work or create lasting energy for your future health, Innergy-Biotic is a delicious way to build deep inner energy so that you can start performing at your optimal best!

Available in 16 oz. or 44 oz. bottles (great value at 22 servings!)

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