Press Kit 2

Press Kit 2

About the Founder

Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, is the international best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity, The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger: Anti-Aging Wisdom for Every Generation. She is also on a mission to change the way the world eats. The Body Ecology Diet was the first of its kind—sugar-free, gluten-free, casein-free, and probiotic rich. In 1994, Donna introduced the natural sweetener stevia to the U.S., began teaching about fermented foods, and coined the phrase “inner ecosystem” to describe the network of microbes that maintains our basic physiological processes—from digestion to immunity. Over the past 25 years, Donna has become one of the most respected authorities in the field of digestive health, diet, and nutrition. In 2013 she completed an Advanced Fellow with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Donna & BE in Print

Hollywood Reporter
What Are Humic Minerals?
January 2016

New York Post Online
Nutritionist Susan Levin treats autism
June 2015

New York Times
R. Thomas Deluxe Grill uses BE
November 2014

People Magazine
Laila Ali – What I Eat
May 2013

Times Square in New York
Body Ecology Featured
May 2012

Huffington Post Magazine
Restaurant credits BE for healthier food
April 2012

Bottom Line Magazine
Food Combining
March 2012

Life After 50 Magazine
The Baby Boomer Diet
January 2012

Autism Magazine
Diet and Autism
September 2011

First For Women Magazine
Weight Loss Discovery
April 2011

InStyle Magazine
Rachel Bison on Body Ecology
January 2011

Naked Bliss Cookbook
Body Ecology Featured
January 2011

The Raw Truth Book
Body Ecology Featured
January 2011

Malibu Time Magazine
Cocobiotic Probiotic Drink
July/August 2010

Women’s World Magazine
Assam Tea
April 2010

Autism Magazine
Diet and Autism
March/April 2010

Living Without Magazine
Leaky Gut
October/November 2008

Living Without Magazine
Food as Medicine
August/September 2008

Fitness Magazine
July 2008

Natural Health Magazine
Food Fermentation
April 2004

Mothering Magazine
Probiotic Diet
November/December 2003


FMTV – An online streaming channel overflowing with hardhitting documentaries, inspirational mind & body segments, quick & healthy recipes, yoga classes, exercise routines and more. To put it simply, it’s like Netflix® for health & wellness.

Health Network – Hosted by JJ Virgin and Mike Koenigs, Donna Gates appeared as a featured expert.

The Aware Show with Lisa Garr


Hay House Radio: The Body Ecology Hour – Donna’s own show hosted on Hay House Radio, broadcasted September 2012 to June 2014.


Hunger in America (2014) – An award-winning documentary tackling the hunger epidemic in America. Narrated by James Denton.

Autism in America (2015) – A genuine and straightforward look into Autism in America from the perspective of the families and individuals living with Autism. Narrated by Chandra Wilson.

Your Life, Your Creation – (Not Yet Released)

Canary Kids, A Film For Our Children – A New Age, A New Solution (not yet released)

Blogs & Articles

Chalkboard Magazine
Donna Gates On Our Inner Eco-Systems
August 2016
See All Chalkboard in August articles

Chalkboard Magazine
No Chill? Pop a Probiotic (The Gut-Brain Connection is 100% Real)
August 24, 2016

Chalkboard Magazine
A Full Day of Optimal Gut Health
August 22, 2016

Chalkboard Magazine
Avocado Smoothies + Fermented Shakes
August 15, 2016

Chalkboard Magazine
Inside Donna Gates’ Fridge
August 8, 2016

Well and Good
The 5 Healthiest Protein Powders
January 2016

Stacy Keibler
Go With Your Gut
February 2015

Stacy Keibler
Donna Gates’ 5 Steps to Healthier Hair
January 2015

Promote Hormone Balance During Menopause
April 2014

The Chalkboard Magazine
Body Ecology Featured
June 2012

The Huffington Post Magazine
Articles from Donna Gates

The Daily Love
Articles from Donna Gates on Living with Purpose
2011 – 2014


Body Ecology Living with Donna Gates – A podcast hosted by Donna Gates that provides weekly interviews with world renowned doctors and thought leaders, nutritionists, best-selling authors, award-winning filmmakers, and celebrities, to explore the latest in cutting-edge health information and tips on how to incorporate the principles of Body Ecology into our lives each day.

Podcast Appearances

Wendy Myers on Detox

Dr. Ritamarie’s – Rebalance Your Hormones with a Gut-Smart Diet.

Carren’s Couch – Donna shares her own journey and how she has discovered the secret to vibrant health and longevity!

The Gene Smart Diet with David Wolfe – Donna Gates reveals brand new information on how to develop a personalized ‘gene smart diet’

The Mama Station with Megan Garcia – Talking Fertility with Donna Gates.

BulletProof with Dave Asprey – Body Ecology #122


The Body Ecology Channel – 6.8k subscribers

An Introduction to Body Ecology

Social Media Outreach & Promotions

BE Statistics





Jessica Biel, Actress



Stacy Keibler, Personality



Speaking Engagements

Online Summits

Donna Gates as Host

Donna Gates as Speaker

Seminars & Webinars

Praise for Donna Gates and The Body Ecology Diet

A few years ago I attended a week long workshop with Donna Gates. It was an eye opening experience as she shared simple but powerful principles for attaining and maintaining a super healthy body. One of the most important things in the workshop was that Donna fed us breakfast and lunch. We were able to taste and experience how delicious the fermented foods were. Everyone enjoyed her way of cooking and delighted to take her recipes and probiotic nutrition home with them. I have been a follower ever since and at 84 am enjoying vibrant health.
– Louise L. Hay, the New York Times best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life.

Body Ecology emphasizes the importance of what we put into our bodies and teaches a way of eating that makes me feel like I am in control of my health and in tune with my body’s intuitive needs. Cultured vegetables and coconut kefir have become essentials, not only in my home, but whenever I travel.
– Jessica Biel, Actress.

If you’re suffering from chronic health problems and confused at all the differing messages out there, please don’t make the same mistake I did and take the long road to find answers. After all the programs, you’ll eventually find Body Ecology. What a life changer. Thank you Donna!
– Chynna Phillips, Singer and Actress.

Donna Gates has opened my mind up to new and amazing alternatives and possibilities to healing. Never did I know and fully understand the power food has in regards to healing the body. Not only is the book educational for a better life but the food is DELICIOUS! Who knew healthy food could be so good?!
– Tia Mowry, Actress.

Donna Gates packs every page of The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger with health principles and nutrition advice that help rejuvenate your life and allow you to actually grow younger based on the latest breakthrough natural-health technologies. This inspiring book empowers your healing, improves your life experience, and gives you tools to live over 100—all while having ‘the best day ever’ every single day!
– David Wolfe, creator of The LongevityNOW Program; author of Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future, Eating for Beauty, and Amazing Grace.

Donna Gates has always been on the cutting edge of nutrition and wellness. She is a vibrant example of the profound anti-aging potential of nutrient-dense living foods. I urge anyone who is interested in living a long and vibrant life to follow the principles contained in The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Younger.
– Jordan Rubin, founder of Garden of Life; New York Times best-selling author of The Maker’s Diet.

So if you’re interested in anti-aging, if you value your life, I highly recommend the new book by Donna Gates and the anti-aging program. I highly recommend all the supplements on this program and starting to implement them into your life.
– Truth Calkins, creator of the Tonic Bar and Raw Food Guru.

Let’s face it, when you take a look at Donna, you know she embodies the type of principles in this book. I really urge all of you, get this book, it is a must read, it is a must guide that will really take us into a very long, active, and energetic life.
– George Lamoureux, Master’s Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Medical Qi Gong Practitioner.

Donna Gates has fused ancient wisdom with modern science to develop the most powerful eating program on the planet today. The Body Ecology Diet is a complete system of living that consciously brings the love of eating into your home. It’s not about weight loss…it’s about health gain.
– Dr. Darren Weissman, author of Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind.

I love this book! Our national health has become an emergency, and Donna Gates provides the solution. As Boomers, we’ve pioneered it all, and now we’re leading the way in new approaches to aging. Scientifically and clinically based, this book provides a user-friendly, comprehensive handbook for our care and feeding into healthy longevity. Read it and stay young.
– Hyla Cass, M.D., author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health.

Awesome book! Donna Gates is as incredibly wonderful as she is excessively humble. If you are a Baby Boomer who is tired of hearing the ‘same old, same old’ and wants vitality of your spirit as well as your body, this book is for you! Donna will teach you to die very ‘young’—but very late in life . . . and feeling glad that you made the journey!
– Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers nationally; best-selling author of From Fatigued to Fantastic!, Pain Free 1-2-3: A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now, and Beat Sugar Addiction NOW!.

Read this book! Donna Gates reveals a new design for living that may change your life. Every page is food for thought, from the repercussions of the products we ingest to their effect on our health, longevity, and physiques. This is a comprehensive, step-by-step, safe, and natural path for wellness and staying young. It deserves your utter attention!
– Richard Stamile, M.D., Orthopedic Surgery and Geriatric Medicine specialist; and Terri Stamile, RN.

I have seen Donna Gates and her Body Ecology program greatly improve health in all age ranges, from children with autism to healthy aging in senior citizens when they stick with the program for a few months. Her plant-based organic food diet, with an emphasis on fermented foods, is ideal for building a healthy intestinal tract, which is the foundation for optimum health and well-being.
– Leonard Smith, M.D., renowned gastrointestinal, vascular and general surgeon, and expert in the field of nutrition and natural supplementation.

While internet technology provides us with a myriad of information, a seeker often gets lost, confused, and overwhelmed. Such is the case faced by many of my patients who are in a quest to find answers to their physical and mental ailments. Donna Gates’ ‘Body Ecology Diet’ is not only a succinct compilation of effective health information, equivalent to reading dozens of related books, it also provides a well versed program ushering the reader on a path to greater wellness. Donna’s insights will shine a ray of light to many who are at lost.
– Dr. Taisuke Jo DC, DIBAK .

The Body Ecology Diet is easy to understand and chock full of practical information. I recommend it!
– William G. Crook M.D., author of The Yeast Connection and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The Body Ecology Diet brings us into the era of whole-body therapy. I don’t think the authors left anything out.
– Lendon H. Smith M.D., Author of Feed Your Kids Right, Feed Yourself Right, and co-author of Beyond Antibiotics.

No one has ever put together all that we need to know about recovering and enhancing immunity – until now. I am making it a must reading for all my patients with candidiasis, immune disorders and food allergies.
– Keith W. Sehnert M.D., author of Selfcare/Wellcare, Stress/Unstress, and co-author of Beyond Antibiotics

The Body Ecology Diet takes the mystery out of the often confusing topic of eating for optimum health. Donna Gates’ book combines recent scientific thought with proven traditional healing concepts and common sense…
– Michael A. Schmidt M.D., author of Tired of Being Tired, Managing the Patient with Chronic Fatigue, and co-author of Beyond Antibiotics.

Praise from Clients

Joint Pain and Chronic Fatigue
I went from a size 10 to a size 6!
Live Healthy & Feel Better
Childhood Disorders
Autism – Fox News
Alcoholism/Drug Addiction
Healing Foods
Grey’s Anatomy Actress on BED
Gaining Clarity
Sustained Energy
More Energy
Hair Loss
Fight Candida and Lethargy
Acne Treatment
Weight Loss
Chronic Respiratory Infections
Multiple Sclerosis
Antibiotic Dependency

Praise from The Detox Challenge

Lizzy Jarbeau: Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have had my first week on your 30-day detox. My #1 goal is health, i know i am on the right track when my body doesn’t hurt and weight shifts. I did lose a total of 8lbs. last week. No eating food out of a box, makes a big difference. Of course the many other great things you are teaching me.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you and your staff, who responded quickly to rectify a damaged product i ordered. Donna, you have put a great team around you. Keep sharing your knowledge, it’s powerful.

Renea, Florida: Dear Donna, I am a hashi person for the last ten years and I got your body ecology diet book last week and I simply can not put it down!!! All my questions are being answered as I go through the book:):) within last three days my whole energy level is being changed!! Upon increasing fermented foods and increasing sea vegetables.I feel so much more balanced emotionally and have so much more energy !!!! And waiting for your cookbook to arrive soon:):) I simply want to thank you for changing my life forever better! I love your book and I love you.

Cindy Dabbous: I have learned SO much from you Donna Gates! Thank you so much for really helping me master my digestive health! I love your emails and always forward them to my family and friends. We all love you.

Amber Alley Penney: Donna, I can’t thank you enough for responding to my questions. I have to say I was surprised you could find time for that. I sent you my questions in a state of desperation, and I was really, really encouraged by your response. I am feeling better. I did seem to turn a corner soon after our communication. I definitely think this is the right path for me, and while I have so much to learn and know it’s going to take time, I am not as overwhelmed. Thank you so much for all the information and encouragement you’ve provided this month. There is so much light and life within it. Bless you for your graciousness and your willingness to share your wisdom.

Rachel Warrick: It saved my life. I had candida (undiagnose) and a very wonderful friend (Julie Wendt) read this book and recognized my symptoms. The doctors told me I was fine. They were very wrong I am very healthy now, once I learned how to eat to heal my issues! Thank you Donna Gates for putting this information in a book!

Previous Book Sales

Title of the Book:

The Body Ecology Diet

Month and Year Published:

May 1994

Approximate Net Sales Numbers to Date:

Over 300,000 copies sold. Book grossed about $180K annually until it was turned over to Hay House

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Family Owned
30+ Years of Experience in the Field
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