Candida Fighting Power: An Unexpected Solution in the Reishi Mushroom

Candida Fighting Power: An Unexpected Solution in the Reishi Mushroom

Candida Fighting Power: An Unexpected Solution in the Reishi Mushroom

Wow! Did you know that we share 98% of our genetic make-up with medicinal mushrooms? Medicinal mushrooms are exposed to the same types of pathogens that attack our bodies, and the substances that they create to fight off those pathogens work in our bodies too.

The reishi mushroom actually brings your candida index down. So, if you’re battling candida, like so many of us are — this herb may be an excellent addition to you healing.

Remember when superfoods became all the rage? People everywhere were suddenly excited over the abundance of nutrition and energy that we discovered in these amazing whole foods. Once exotic or unavailable foods like spirulina, maca and mangosteen suddenly hit the markets for all to enjoy.

Nowadays, some of those go-to superfoods are having to share the spotlight with an even more ancient group of super herbs from exotic places like China, India and the rainforest.

Green smoothies, elixirs and tonics full of healing herbs are now enjoyed daily across the world, with excellent results and you can benefit from them too!
Studies show that one herb in particular, the reishi mushroom, has healing effects on people with everything from high blood pressure to AIDS.

Body Ecology is a system of health and healing that was first designed to help you overcome candida, the systemic yeast infection that plagues our population. So, when we discovered that this popular Chinese herb also has distinct candida fighting properties — we knew we had to share the news with you.

Have Chinese herbs made their way into your cupboard yet? Are you open to the reishi mushroom becoming your next go-to super herb?We caught up with Master Herbalist George Lamoureux, once again to discuss the truly magical qualities of the reishi mushroom – Mr. Lamoureux’s favorite herb. Join us and discover the mysticism and the science behind why this ancient herb has become so popular again.

The Mushroom of Immortality

Q. George, will you share some history behind what makes the reishi mushroom so special?
A. It all begins with the name. “Reishi’s” formal name is “Ganoderma Lucidum”. Ganoderma means “shining skin” and Lucidum means “glowing.” So, you get a mystical understanding of the herb right away. Engravings, pictures and even embroidered depictions of the reishi mushroom appear everywhere throughout ancient China. You can find reishi mushroom imagery on everything from emperor’s robes, to windows and doors. There is even one particular picture of a reishi mushroom on a mountain peak between heaven and earth.



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