Candida: A Serious Health Risk That Can Cause Systemic Toxicity

Candida: A Serious Health Risk That Can Cause Systemic Toxicity

Candida: A Serious Health Risk That Can Cause Systemic Toxicity

HeadachesFungal Candida overgrowth in the gut can quickly spread throughout the body to cause symptoms like headaches, brain fog, constipation, and even acne. Strengthening your digestion can protect your total wellness by keeping Candida in check!

Candida is an opportunistic, pathogenic microorganism that can cause a serious risk to your health. The moment the gut becomes imbalanced, Candida can quickly spread to every area of your body.

Candida, an opportunistic microorganism known as Candida albicans, is considered a serious health risk. When given the opportunity, Candida will spread as far as possible throughout the body.

Instant fixes are only temporary and won’t provide the whole-body healing that you need to keep a Candida infection at bay.

What is even more shocking is that:

  • Candida is the fourth most common source of hospital-acquired infection1.
  • Candida is the number one most common opportunistic infection in HIV-positive individuals2,3.

Candida is yeast that is different from bacteria. It’s naturally found in the digestive tract and vaginal walls. Yet Candida is dangerous because it can cause serious digestive and neurological issues since it is both pathogenic and opportunistic. As soon digestion becomes imbalanced, Candida can spread excessively to all areas of the body.

How Candida Attacks

Candida can become widespread throughout the body by binding to a protein called Als (or, “Agglutinin-like sequence”) to attach to human cells. Working together, Candida and Als will clump and adhere to damaged tissue.

This protein found on the surface of Candida makes it a sticky and opportunistic organism. Many researchers believe that the stickiness of Candida is one primary reason why it can easily invade the entire body by infiltrating weakened tissue4.

Even worse, when the gut becomes permeable, Candida can effortlessly move from its natural habitat in the digestive tract. As a result, Candida becomes a dangerous, systemic infection that is difficult to treat.

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