Food Combining and Gaps Diet: Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Food Combining and Gaps Diet: Gut and Psychology Syndrome


GAPS Diet: Critical Differences Between GAPS and BED, Two Gut-Healing Protocols

Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS):
Understanding the Gaps

8. GAPS allows pancakes and flour products made from nut flours.

The full GAPS diet permits breads, pancakes, cookies, and cakes made with nut flours.

Body Ecology recommends avoiding all flour products. Here’s why:

  • Nuts and seeds are acidic and very high in oxalates.
  • Many people do not tolerate nuts or seeds, especially when they have a gut condition.
  • The oils in nuts become rancid easily, and this is especially true when ground and/or heated.
  • Nut flours are very dry, and you need a lot more water if you eat them. Hydration is very important to a healthy gut, so they really are not advised if you have a gut problem.

Bottom line—cakes, breads, and cookies made with nut flours are acid-forming foods and when sweetened with sugars are even more so. Plus, the protein/sugar combination forms glycoproteins (see #6 above). These foods will not help you conquer a yeast infection or restore health to an unhealthy gut. If you must eat them from time to time, perhaps as a special treat, we suggest eating them along with a meal that includes fermented vegetables or a fermented drink. The microbiota in the foods will help somewhat with the breaking down, assimilation, and elimination of this difficult-to-digest and difficult-to-eliminate food.

9. GAPS does not support Body Ecology’s Principle of Acid/Alkaline.

Although Campbell-McBride does note that eating meat with vegetables assists with food metabolism and helps to balance the acidity in the body, the GAPS diet’s promotion of acid-forming broths, flours from nuts, and dried fruits does not create a balance of acidity/alkalinity in the body.

10. GAPS does not support Body Ecology’s Principle of Food Combining.

When one does not follow proper food combining rules, food will be poorly digested, causing fermentation in the gut and feeding pathogens there. A poorly combined meal is an acidic one that further fuels the growth of the systemic yeast infection.

When foods are not combined properly in the gut, they are much more difficult to digest. Complex meals that are poorly digested then feed yeast. The fermentation that results will certainly make it more difficult to heal the gut lining. One example of poor food combining is using dried fruits to sweeten the nut flour breads, cakes and cookies. Another is adding whey to animal broths and yogurt smoothies mixed with fruit. Like Body Ecology, Campbell-McBride does recommend that meats be combined with vegetables and that “Fruit, apart from avocado, generally interferes with the digestion of meats and should be eaten between meals.” (p. 130)

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