IBS, Leaky Gut, and Heartburn Relief: Over-the-Counter Drugs Aren’t the Solution

IBS, Leaky Gut, and Heartburn Relief: Over-the-Counter Drugs Aren’t the Solution

IBS, Leaky Gut, and Heartburn Relief: Over-the-Counter Drugs Aren’t the Solution

For Many People, Over-the-Counter Drugs are the Solution for the Following Symptoms

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Brain fog

For example, heartburn sufferers most often turn to pharmaceutical grade antacids in hopes of alleviating the uncomfortable, chronic burning sensation in their chest. But what many people don’t realize is that an over-the-counter antacid isn’t designed to provide long-term relief; most antacids are intended to be used for six weeks at a maximum.

Even worse, antacid users have a 50% greater risk of developing a bacterial infection in the small intestine1!

To find relief from the discomfort of heartburn and the many symptoms listed above, it’s critical to take control over your diet. Yes, you are what you eat – and your inner gut ecology can determine whether or not heartburn develops regularly.

In some cases of heartburn, the stomach may be infected with a bacterium called H. pylori. An overgrowth of this bacterium in the small intestine will lead to chronic heartburn by reducing stomach acidity.

For long-term relief, it’s critical to address the root cause of the issue, an H. pylori infection, instead of trying to treat symptoms with an antacid. Removing foods that feed infection is critical to alleviate digestive discomfort.

Digestive trigger foods include:

  • Sugar: Sugar, including fructose, can easily feed infection. It’s important to look for hidden sugars found in a number of processed foods and monitor the fruit in your diet.
  • Grains: Grains, especially those containing gluten, will feed bacterial overgrowth. When working to heal your digestion to treat heartburn, grain should be avoided.
  • Fiber/Carbohydrates: A percentage of fiber and carbohydrates that you eat won’t be absorbed by the body and will become food for bacteria. Even fibrous vegetables will fall in this category. While it’s not necessary to avoid fibrous vegetables altogether, it helps to pay attention to any vegetables that cause unpleasant digestive issues.
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