
Your Healing Retreat: June 3rd – June 5th 2011

I am so happy to bring this exciting interview with courageous doctors on the cutting edge of the treatment and prevention of autism. The information discussed is crucial for EVERYONE to hear; it is not only about autism but our changing food supply and toxic environment. In my efforts to create a happier, healthier world, I have always found it takes great bravery to step outside the box, and that is exactly what these doctors are doing.

I urge all of you to join me in supporting their work, even with words of encouragement, for it is changing the future for all of us and our offspring.

Donna Gates

Listen to this fascinating conversation between Donna Gates and Dr. Stephanie Cave and Dr. Nancy O’Hara.

Donna Gates 

Donna Gates

Dr. Nancy O'Hara 

Dr. Nancy O’Hara

Dr. Stephanie Cave 

Dr. Stephanie Cave

  • Dr. Nancy O’Hara is a board-certified pediatrician who taught children with autism prior to her
    medical career.
    She was graduated in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society from the University of Pennsylvania
    School of Medicine and earned a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Stephanie Cave, MD, MS, FAAFP is board certified in family medicine. She practices in Baton Rouge,
    Louisiana where she has seen over 10,000 children in the autism spectrum since 1996. Dr Cave has traveled
    extensively to lecture on the metabolic treatment of autism and she testified at a congressional hearing
    regarding the mercury in vaccines in 2000.
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Your Healing Retreat is a path of education, hope and rejuvenation for parents and physicians
living and working with autism and ADD.

The stress of having a child affected by autism and or ADD is indescribable. Parents face financial strains, marital stress, and emotional pressures while trying to meet the special needs of their children. Learning how to help their children (especially understanding and carrying out treatment strategies for the medical conditions that can be at the route of the child’s behavioral problems) is exhausting and expensive!

Physicians who embark on this path, learning all they can to help parents identify underlying metabolic conditions and treating these complex disorders often find themselves in “burnout” mode, which may lead to questioning their personal and professional commitment to this work.

Your Healing Retreat offers the education parents and physicians have been seeking and delivers it in a beautiful relaxed setting with a deliberate focus on caregivers.

Your Healing Retreat participants will gain access to cutting-edge, safe and effective integrative approaches for healing children while recharging their own batteries with morning yoga, massage, hikes, organic food and cooking classes. They will learn relaxation techniques, tips to improve their relationships, and strategies to get back into balance.

Help parents attend by donating to:

Wellness Workshops/Your Healing Retreat
746 Seven Glens Drive
Weaverville, North Carolina 28787
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Family Owned
30+ Years of Experience in the Field
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