
Why Celiacs (Those with Celiac Disease) & Those with Gluten Sensitivity Need Healthy Probiotic Liquids

More and more people are looking for gluten free alternatives to bread, cereals, and wheat products. Find out the missing link to celiac disease and gluten sensitivity that can help heal your gut from the inside out.

Everywhere you turn these days, it seems like more and more products are available in gluten free versions. Indeed, it is one of the fastest growing categories in the health food market.

Many people cannot digest gluten (a protein found in many whole grains and cereals), and at least 2 million Americans suffer from celiac disease, an autoimmune condition where your body actually attacks the small intestine every time you eat something containing gluten.1

I think it’s wonderful that people have gluten free alternatives to conventional grain products.

In fact, I created the Body Ecology program as a completely gluten free healing system that works for those with celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

But Body Ecology does more than just remove gluten from your diet.

Body Ecology actually helps you heal your digestive system. And more than this, you create a healthy inner ecosystem.

Just like the earth has ecosystems, full of organisms that maintain balance with each other and live symbiotically together, your body has an inner ecosystem in your intestines, full of microorganisms.

These microorganisms are bacteria and yeast and your health depends on whether you have enough good bacteria and yeast to keep the bad guys in check.

Furthermore, these good guys actually help you digest your foods, including the ones that contain gluten.

Celiac Disease and Your Intestines

If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, it’s especially important for you to address the health of your inner ecosystem.

Lack of digestive enzymes, leaky gut, and an imbalance of healthy microflora (good bacteria and yeast) are all very common conditions related to celiac disease that can make symptoms even worse and lead to a host of other health problems.2

Cleo Libonati, author of “Recognizing Celiac Disease,” writes that “the metabolic activity of intestinal microbial flora in celiacs is different from the general population.”

Further, she has found that people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity can suffer from these related conditions:

  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Bile insufficiency
  • Digestive enzyme deficiency
  • Fat malabsorption
  • Overgrowth of pathogenic yeast and bacteria
  • Low acidity in the stomach
  • Altered gut motility
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Leaky gut

I wrote The Body Ecology Diet to provide a natural healing solution for each of these areas. I believe that with our diet and our Seven Universal Principles you can heal your digestive system and recover your health.

Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are serious health concerns and need to be addressed in a holistic manner. Currently, many people maintain a gluten-free diet to control symptoms and discomfort, but I believe there is more that we can do.

Gluten Free – Not the Only Answer

Even after eliminating gluten from their diets, people with celiac disease can still experience fatigue, bloating, gas, and mental fogginess.

These continued symptoms indicate that further healing must take place in order for people to truly conquer the discomfort.

Meanwhile, many thousands of other people who are not diagnosed with celiac disease feel ill after eating foods that contain gluten, like bread. So why are so many people having trouble digesting gluten?

I believe the key is that they have an imbalanced inner ecosystem, missing grain-loving microflora. In other words, the good guys that are in charge of digesting grains and gluten are “missing in action.”

Why would this happen?

From the 1950’s forward, our eating habits changed from fresh whole foods grown in the soil to packaged, pasteurized and processed foods. Certainly, the human body was not created or intended to eat the chemicals and preservatives in these foods. This major change in our diet caused an assault on the good microflora, and with continually increasing levels of stress, medicinal and recreational drugs, pollution and environmental toxins we now have an idea why the “good littlebugs” or microbes died off.

They just couldn’t keep up with the assault. This allowed the pathogenic bacteria and yeast to take over, setting the stage for weakened immunity, earlier aging, digestive pain, illness and disease.

Anatomy of a Grain

Grains have enzyme inhibitors and share a common trait with nuts and beans: phytic acid. These inhibit the absorption of minerals in your body.

Over many years, we lost a practice our ancestors used: soaking, sprouting or fermenting grains, beans, nuts and seeds to make them easier to digest and thus removing the anti-nutrients.

Imagine years of eating improperly prepared grains and you’ll understand why the grain-loving microflora might head for the hills. In truth, properly prepared grains provide food for the tiny good guys. They also help provide fiber and hold moisture in the intestines making their environment a much more desirable place to work, live and perhaps even “play”.

The harder your body has to work to digest foods, the more difficult it is for your healthy microflora. The by-product of poorly digested foods is pathogens and toxins, which further complicate your digestive process.

While I DO believe it’s important to remove gluten as you nurse the grain-loving microflora back to life, I also believe that your digestive system CAN heal.

Eventually, you may find that you actually tolerate small amounts of gluten, even if you don’t choose to eat it. (Remember the 80/20 rule: The Body Ecology Diet is 80% alkaline-forming plant based foods.)

Body Ecology’s Answer to Gluten Free

Let’s face it pastries, cookies, and breads are not good for your digestive tract. I have chosen to avoid them in my own diet too. However, on occasions when I have had bread, my digestive system is able to handle it very well…and with all of the digestive problems I had in my earlier years, I know that Body Ecology has made this possible.

The foods and principles of the Body Ecology system were created to heal your inner ecosystem.

Yet a major player in helping you repopulate your gut with healthy microflora is fermented foods and drinks.

Fermented food and drinks, like probiotic liquids and raw cultured vegetables actually help you boost your healthy microflora so you can digest again (including grains and gluten!).

Now let’s take a look specifically at how to bring your inner ecosystem to optimal health with probiotic liquids, since they go a long way to restoring your ability to digest gluten.

Recreating Your Inner Ecosystem With Probiotic Liquids

I created the Body Ecology line of probiotic liquids specifically to address your gastrointestinal health. CocoBioticInnergyBioticDong Quai, and BE Wholegrain Liquid are fermented with powerful probiotics to heal your gut and improve your digestion.

Yes, it’s true, several of our drinks are fermented using grains that contain gluten (InnergyBiotic is our gluten-free probiotic liquid); however, fermentation restructures this protein and our probiotic liquids actually HELP your body digest gluten.

Body Ecology’s fermented InnergyBiotic is a gluten free performance drink that gives you powerful probiotics and vegetarian protein for a lasting energy boost. Fermented millet, quinoa, and mung beans make this a drink full of grain loving bacteria to help you digest all of your food more efficiently. Try InnergyBiotic today!

Here’s how:

  • During fermentation, the microflora in our probiotic liquids are grown upon the grains and actually “digest” these grains during the fermentation process.
  • breaks down the toxic peptides in gluten, effectively neutralizing them and making these drinks officially gluten free and safe for celiacs and those with gluten insensitivity.
  • Think of the microflora in our probiotic liquids as “grain loving,” since this is how they grew in the fermentation process. Therefore, when you drink them, the microflora thrive in your intestines, where they can help you digest grains, gluten and other foods.

My goal in creating Body Ecology’s line of probiotic liquids was to provide a way to introduce grain-loving bacteria into your intestines, along with key beneficial bacteria and yeast to boost your immunity and overall health.

While our probioitic liquids test within the limits to be LABELED gluten free, I chose to list gluten in our labels as a way to educate the public about recovering digestive health with the help of grain-loving bacteria.

Right now, fermentation is a forgotten art of our ancestors, but it is gaining popularity as Body Ecology, other natural health enthusiasts and mainstream medicine rediscovers probiotics.

In fact, probiotic liquids are a premier way to deliver probiotics into your system and heal your digestion.

Why Do Your Probiotic Liquids Contain Gluten?

Current research suggests that for persons with celiac disease and gluten-sensitivity the maximum safe level of gluten in a finished product is less than 0.02% (200 parts per million) and possibly as little as 0.002% (20 parts per million). Indeed, for a product to be labeled as “Gluten-Free,” Codex Standards allow for up to 200 parts per million gluten content.

Although you see wheat and rye lower down in the ingredient lists for Coco-Biotic and Dong Quai, and wheat, rye and oats for BE Wholegrain, NO gluten was detected in laboratory tests for Coco-Biotic, only 6 parts per million was detected in lab tests for Dong Quai, and only 7 parts per million was detected in lab tests for BE Wholegrain (which is all WAY below the rigorous 20 parts per million or less threshold the FDA is pushing for to label a product “Gluten-Free.”)

Aside from the fact that there are minimal amounts of these grains in Coco-Biotic, Dong Quai, and BE Wholegrain, the fermentation process actually breaks down the gluten; gluten strains normally bind in the body, but fermentation breaks it down so it won’t! That means those with gluten-sensitivities may actually have their digestive systems improved and long-term their gluten-tolerance raised by these products!

Read more about the steps to restoring your inner ecosystem in Gluten-Sensitive? Celiac Disease? Here’s Why You Definitely SHOULD Consider Eating These Fermented Grains.

Healing Naturally

If you are looking for a gluten free approach to wellness, Body Ecology offers an ideal solution that is focused on creating better digestion. Even better, you may find you can move beyond your diagnosis and recover your health.

My mission in life is to help others heal, using the wisdom of Nature. At Body Ecology all of us are deeply grateful for your purchase of our products. Thanks to you we can do what we love to do best…change the way the world eats!

We all deserve to feel our best and so much of our health starts in the gut. How you digest your food is often how you digest life…and as your gut heals, you may find that you are able to more easily achieve the mission you came here to fulfill.


  1. Celiac Disease. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse.
  2. Libonati, Cleo, “Probiotics and Prebiotics Can Improve Health of Celiacs,” GlutenFreeWorks.com
  3. Fallon, Sally and Enig, Mary. Be Kind To Your Grains. Weston A. Price Foundation.Excerpt from Nourishing Traditions. http://www.westonaprice.org/moderndiseases/gluten-intolerance.html
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