
Three Essential Steps for Health: Step by Step Principle

The Body Ecology System of Health and Healing has seven principles. It may take years to master each and every one, but hopefully you are enjoying the challenge of simply practicing them in your daily life.

The Step by Step Principle is a vital principle, because if it not followed most people may not ever become well.

Step by Step Principle:

Healing occurs in tiny increments. Though it often seems abrupt, seasons change incrementally from warm to cold and back to warm. In tiny increments the Earth moves until one day we’ll notice the days growing longer and tiny green buds are on the tree outside your window. Changes happen so slowly that we don’t even notice them. Step by Step is the principle that deals with time. It takes time to heal.

You must do first things first. Before we walk we must crawl; before we talk we babble. On the BED (Body Ecology Diet) we teach that there are three steps you must take first to become well. These steps are:

Correct Digestion by eating and drinking probiotic-rich foods. Cultured veggies, young coconut kefirmilk kefirand the beverages from Grainfield’s of Australia increase colonies of friendly bacteria in your intestines.

Create energy to cleanse, heal and rebuild by strengthening your adrenals and thyroid. Body Ecology can show you how.

Conquer any infections By eating foods on The Body Ecology Diet (they’re sugar-free, wheat-free and casein-free) and especially our recommended fermented foods. When you do this, you’ll create a strong immune system plus the energy you need to restore all systems of your body back to health.

A question we are often asked is, how long does it take to build a strong immune system? How long will it take me to heal?

If you are suffering from infections like candidiasis or conditions such as chronic fatigue, cancer, Acid Reflux, Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and autism, you cannot expect instant healing. The impurities and toxins you’ve built up in your system over the years cannot be eliminated all at once – they must leave through an orderly step by step cleansing process.

Many of us are impatient people. We’ve never been taught the principle of step by step or to respect its wisdom. Our health suffers as a result. For example, unwilling to take the time to get over a cold and runny nose or ride out the aches and pains of the “winter flu,” we take painkillers and antibiotics as a “quick cure.” Drugs have negative side effects but they also override and suppress your body?s attempt to become stronger.

Drugs stop the cleansing process, which the body uses to get rid of illness: drugs drive disease deeper into the body, giving the potential for an even more serious illness later. But if we allow nature to take its course, cleansing and healing will take place, step by step.

The principle of cleansing is another BED principle, which we will cover in detail in the spring. Spring is the time for cleansing but we won’t cleanse successfully if we do not create energy right now.

Take your first step towards health and read The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity, written by Donna Gates, author, nutritional consultant and nationally recognized expert on candidiasis and immune disorders.

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