The Basics Of Self-Love!
By Donna Gates, as seen on:
When we think about self-love and self-care, we sometimes forget about meeting some of our most basic needs.
The physical body needs as much love and positive reinforcement as the mental and emotional bodies. Nowhere is this most evident than in how well we hydrate the physical body.
Masaru Emoto demonstrated for a wide audience the receptivity of water.
Emoto gathered several water samples, froze them, and then photographed their crystalline structure with a dark-field microscope. He found that environment, music, words, and also thoughts dramatically influence the crystalline structure of water.
Have you ever paused and said a few words of gratitude to the water that you drink?
If not, you may want to begin this simple act of love.
This is because within our bodies, between each and every cell, is a living and dynamic matrix.
This matrix is called the extracellular matrix. It is made up of proteins and chains of special sugars that bind with water. We have other names for the extracellular matrix, like connective tissue. The proteins in connective tissue are water-loving, or hydrophilic, and rely on water for their own mobility.
Mobility is important. This semi-liquid and fibrous web extends throughout the body, into every nook and cranny. Just like when you touch a web out in nature, when you touch the human body, the whole thing vibrates. Connective tissue, crystalline and fluid, connects each and every cell. The webwork running across our bodies is what helps us move through space gracefully, allowing us to absorb and distribute impact.
While this latticework of water-loving collagen and proteins allows us to store and send information throughout the entire body, it also:
- Provides nutrition to your cells
- Removes waste
- Regulates your internal environment
- Interprets the external environment
- Defends your cells against free radicals
When we become dehydrated our cells quickly suffer the consequences.
Dehydration can happen easily. In our day-to-day activities, the average person loses 3 to 4 liters of water. Our main exits for toxicity in the body—the breath, the skin, the urinary tract, and the bowels—all contribute to water loss. Water helps to carry toxins out of the body.
We must constantly nourish our bodies and our cells with clean water. When we take a moment to tell water, “thank you” or “I love you,” even better!
Ideas for staying hydrated:
- Drink water regularly, not only when you feel thirsty.
- When you wake up in the morning, drink two glasses of water in order to rehydrate after fluid loss during the night.
- Do not drink water with meals because this dilutes stomach acid and inhibits good digestion.
- Wait about one hour after a meal, and then drink a tall glass of water.
So go ahead. Pour yourself a glass of cool, clean water. Generate a feeling of deep gratitude. And drink up!