
The Principle of Food Combining Part 2: Fruit-ful Advice

Our Complete Spotlight on Body Ecology Series!

  1. Exhausted? Overweight? Under the Weather? The Body Ecology Principles Hold the Key to Your Health!
  2. Beat Uncontrollable Sugar Cravings with The Principle of Step By Step!
  3. Step by Step – Healthy Living Essentials: How to Fight Stress and Get Your Beauty Sleep!
  4. The 80/20 Principle Part I: Think Twice Before You Reach for That Hamburger!
  5. Animal Proteins Part II: Does Milk Really Do Your Body Good?
  6. Good Carbs and Bad Carbs – What You Don’t Know IS Hurting You
  7. Is It Fat or Fiction?
  8. Stuff Your Holiday Turkey – Not Your Tummy (GETTING STARTED ON THE BODY ECOLOGY DIET)
  9. The Principle of Food Combining: The Meat of It – Without the Bread (GETTING STARTED ON THE BODY ECOLOGY DIET)
  10. The Principle of Food Combining Part 2: Fruit-ful Advice

Start practicing the Body Ecology Principles of Food Combining to restore your inner ecosystem, improve your digestion, create more energy, AND lose weight!

In our last installment of the highly popular Spotlight on Body Ecology article series, we introduced you to the Principle of Food Combining, and we explained the first two DO’s that you could apply to your meal planning right away. Click here to read The Principle of Food Combining: The Meat of It – Without the Potatoes (link to article as of yet unpublished).

Fruits have been around as long as nature itself has existed, and with their enticing rainbow colors and fragrant smells, it probably didn’t take long for man to discover that they taste delicious too.

Our love affair with fruit continues to this day. Many people see them as a healthy, perfect, and sweet indulgence they don’t have to fret about eating.

It’s important to keep in mind though that “too much of a good thing” does indeed apply to fruit – but did you know that when you eat your fruits can make a world of difference in how they affect your wellbeing?
This brings us to the third major DO of the Principle of Food Combining:
It’s always best to eat fruits alone and on an empty stomach.

Fruits don’t take a lot of time to digest. Normally, they leave your stomach within 30 minutes and move along into your small intestine.

When you eat fruits with proteins or starches, which take several hours to digest, the fruit is held up in your stomach and begins to ferment.

Fermentation in the stomach not only causes poor assimilation of nutrients from the other foods you eat, but worse, the process of fermentation itself creates a sugar feast for pathogenic yeast like candida in your gut to feed off of.

If, like many people today, you are struggling with digestive issues, blood sugar problems, or a candidaimbalance in your inner ecosystem, eating fruits, especially with improperly combined meals, can do serious harm to your health.

So the most important requirement to enjoying fruits in your diet and getting the most out of the important nutrients they have to offer is to create a balanced inner ecosystem thriving with beneficial microflora.
The Body Ecology system of health and healing is designed specifically to establish and nourish the growth of beneficial microorganisms in your digestive tract and reverse any imbalances.

If you’re just starting out, you’ll be in the first stage of The Body Ecology Diet, during which the only fruits allowed are acidic “sour” fruits like lemons, limes, or unsweetened juices from cranberries, pomegranates, noni, acai, and black currants.

These fruits are very low in sugar, and therefore are safe to eat because they don’t encourage yeast overgrowth.Other fruits must be strictly avoided because they are too sweet and feed the pathogenic yeast like candida that thrive on sugar, crowding out the beneficial microflora in your inner ecosystem.

The good news is that once your inner ecosystem is restored (usually after about 3 months on the initial stage of The Diet), you can begin to introduce other low sugar fruits like kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, and berries into your diet. Just make sure that you do this slowly, watching out for any symptoms.

Again, while it’s still best to eat fruits alone, practicing proper food combining allows you to eat acidic or sour fruits with “protein fat” foods like kefir (a fermented milk beverage), yogurt, or nuts and seeds.

The only time your stomach is truly empty is when you first wake up in the morning.

We highly recommend starting your morning off with a glass of warm water and lemon or black currant juice. This will hydrate your body after a long night’s rest and stimulate the peristaltic action of your colon.

Once you’re sure your inner ecosystem is healed, you can start experimenting with a variety of fruit smoothies made with fresh berries and kefir or other probiotic beverages like Young Coconut Kefir or Coco-Biotic.

We have some delicious and energizing fruit smoothie recipes you can check out as a great way to start your day!


Once you begin to practice the Principle of Food Combining, you will find that you are digesting your meals better, have less bloating and more energy, and even begin to automatically lose excess weight! One major component to food combining is to always eat fruit alone and on an empty stomach.Fruit digests quickly and will leave your stomach within 30 minutes, but if you eat fruit with starch or protein, it could take several hours to digest and begin to ferment in your stomach. This will lead to poor digestion and nutrient absorption, and fermentation will also feed candida. Body Ecology recommends eating sour fruits like lemons, limes, and cranberries for the best dietary results since they are not only delicious but also low in sugar!


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