Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms & Solutions: What You Need to Know About This Widespread but Woefully Underreported Health Issue

If you are over the age of 50, your odds go up for osteoporosis, and if you are under the age of 50, you might have weak bones already. Find out if magnesium could bemore important than calcium to help you increase bone density.
10:4… it’s not just CB radio jargon, it’s actually the ideal calcium magnesium ratio in your body. Unfortunately, calcium is getting all the press, with magnesium falling into the background.
If you are making this mistake, it could be impacting your health.
Everywhere you look there are new calcium supplements and calcium-fortified products, especially in processed foods. And even though many people consume plenty of calcium, bone diseases like osteoporosis are still epidemic, affecting 55% of people over the age of 50!1
The average American does not consume enough magnesium, and as a result, many people have a calcium to magnesium ratio of 10:2.67 or even 15:4.
Magnificent Magnesium
Why is the calcium magnesium ratio so important?
This workhorse of a mineral plays many roles in your body, including:2
- Gives rigidity AND flexibility to your bones
- Increases bioavailability of calcium
- Regulates and normalizes blood pressure
- Prevents and reverses kidney stone formation
- Promotes restful sleep
- Helps prevent congestive heart failure
- Eases muscle cramps and spasms
- Lowers serum cholesterol levels and triglycerides
- Decreases insulin resistance
- Can prevent artherosclerosis and stroke
- End cluster and migraine headaches
- Enhances circulation
- Relieves fibromyalgia and chronic pain
- Treats asthma and emphysema
- Helps make proteins
- Encourages proper elimination
- Prevents osteoporosis
Magnesium is a magnificent mineral and imperative for good health.
But a poor diet of processed foods and a stressful lifestyle can lead to mineral deficiencies, including magnesium. If you ARE deficient in magnesium, you may notice a wide range of symptoms.
Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms
Because magnesium is active in so many different processes in your body, magnesium deficiency symptoms are varied and can include:
- Insomnia
- Anxiety, hyperactivity, restlessness
- Constipation
- Muscle spasms, twitches, soreness
- Difficulty swallowing
- Back aches
- Headaches
- Chest tightness and difficulty breathing
- Heart palpitations
- High blood pressure
- Extreme fatigue
- Osteoporosis
Any of these common symptoms may indicate that you need more magnesium in your diet, but this simple mineral can help eliminate these symptoms and enhance your health.
Reverse Your Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms
Diet and lifestyle play a key role in your magnesium intake. Here are some simple and easy ways to boost your magnesium intake:
- Eat green vegetables. Green vegetables have lots of chlorophyll, a molecule that contains magnesium.
- Avoid refined and processed foods. Most refined products like white sugar and processed foods made with white flour have had their magnesium removed.
- Try fermented foods and drinks. Fermented foods and drinks populate your gut with probiotics (beneficial bacteria and yeast) that help your body absorb more magnesium from your food.
If you want to avoid finding and cracking young green coconuts, try our delicious probiotic liquid, CocoBiotic.
- Try a magnesium supplement. Take a magnesium citrate supplement, like Peter Gilliam’s CALM or Magna Calm
. These two are powders and can be taken by adults and children to boost your magnesium intake and even ease constipation.
Donna Gates suggests that you have other types of magnesium supplements as well. Magnesium chloride from the Pain and Stress Center in Texas is one of her favorites. You can also purchase Magesium Asparate from your health food store in capsules. Take 400-1600 mg per day to help relax you and to help your bowels move on a regular basis.
Be 10:4 With Magnesium
If you want to feel your best, then don’t overlook magnesium. This low profile mineral is actually a key to your health and vitality! With the right calcium magnesium ratio, you’ll always be 10:4!
- Fast Facts, National Osteoporosis Foundation. - De Angellis, Tony, “Tony’s Tidbits: Magnificent Magnesium,” Tony’s Tidbits, Jan 2002.
Other Sources:
- Schachter, Michael, “The Importance of Magnesium to Human Nutrition,”
- Simmons, Sandy, “Common Conditions Linked to a Magnesium Deficiency,”