
Liver + gallbladder health: what you don’t know

Between the two, the liver and gallbladder work overtime as they get hit with free radicals, environmental toxins, by-products of leaky gut and inflammation, toxins on foods, mold exposure, unresolved trauma, and chronic stress.

When the liver and gallbladder are not functioning properly, which is unbeknownst to many, it leads to a myriad of health problems and can even influence our emotions and behaviors.

In fact, one of the most common surgeries is gallbladder removal, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is epidemic.

80% of women over age 40 have “toxic bile.”

Digestive care multi

Restoring your liver and gut health could help restore the health of your inner ecology. As they say, good health starts in the gut.  And the Digestive Care Multi can start the healing process by providing probiotic, digestive, mineral, and liver cleanse support.

And, while being overweight can lead to an overburdened liver or gallbladder, an overburdened liver or gallbladder can also RESULT in weight gain.

The good news is the little changes you make now can lead to big results!

This is why I’d like to invite you to join me at the complimentary and online Liver and Gallbladder Rescue Summit to learn proven secrets to keeping your liver and gallbladder healthy.

Here’s what you’ll learn at the Liver and Gallbladder Rescue Summit

  • The signs that your liver & gallbladder are suffering
  • How to maximize your liver & gallbladder function
  • Symptoms of liver issues
  • Alternative & conventional approaches to liver health
  • Best herbs & essential oils for cleansing
  • Surprising connections between your liver & body systems
  • Proactive strategies to help avoid gallbladder surgery
  • What to do if you’ve had your gallbladder removed
  • Detox, self-care & nutritional support for your liver & gallbladder
  • Enhancing liver & gallbladder function to help improve digestion & gut health
  • And more!

Shivan Sarna’s story

Your host and my friend, Shivan Sarna, became a health advocate after being diagnosed with SIBO in 2015. Before her diagnosis, she had been struggling with digestive issues her entire life.

She was completely stunned and horrified when she was diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. She never imagined she could have liver issues.  She hasn’t had alcohol in decades, is a lifelong vegetarian and keeps a healthy weight. This diagnosis led her to begin studying the amazing liver and gallbladder.

A huge inspiration for this event was how little changes led to big results.  Suddenly, her psoriasis and digestion improved, she had more energy and was sleeping better, she felt inspired to get out and exercise, and even her hormones improved. The best part was that these effects didn’t require a total lifestyle overhaul to start feeling the difference.

The Liver and Gallbladder Rescue Summit is FREE from March 14-20, 2022

Many people can truly avoid unnecessary surgeries and medications, so I hope you can make it to the Summit, and also share with your loved ones.

As I always say, this is why I love exposing my audience to anything that I’m involved in because you never know what bit of information can be life-changing for someone.



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