
Listen: Donna Gates Talks to Beth Lambert About the Compromised Generation

Content reviewed by Donna Gates
Written by Body Ecology on July 26th, 2022

Beth Lambert

So many children are being diagnosed with childhood illnesses (such as autism, asthma, ADHD, and many others) at an alarming rate, and even more, undiagnosed children suffer silently. Join Donna as she chats with Beth Lambert, Executive Director of Epidemic Answers and former healthcare consultant,   to discuss the epidemic that our children are facing due to their compromised environments and immune systems.

<<<Listen to the episode with Donna and Beth>>>

Highlights from the Podcast:

– How Donna and Beth connected more than a decade ago when Beth was on a journey to turn her children’s health around and discovered the Body Ecology diet.

– The many parents and families Beth met with chronic childhood illnesses, and how they were reversing their conditions with diet and lifestyle changes.

– When Beth realized that many factors of our modern world were making children very sick.

– How Beth’s research about reversing autism and other diseases led her to join a support group for parents of children with autism on the BEDROK diet, and go on to write her book, Compromised Generation.

– The need to put a scientific lens on diagnosed children and carefully document their journey so that other families could be helped. i.e. What did they do? How did they do it? Which test did they take? What diet did they use? What are they eating? What are they drinking? What are they putting on their skin? How much time do they spend on a device? How much time do they spend outside? What are their relationships like?

– How more practitioners are looking at autism beyond a medical diagnosis, and are eager to learn how they can help patients recover naturally. Many have volunteered to serve on an advisory board and work with families of diagnosed children.

– The importance of families and parents committing to diet and lifestyle changes, and for the families Beth works with, the importance of documenting their daily journeys in order to help others.

<<<Listen to the podcast now!>>>


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