
Is Your Liver Making You Fat?

Oxidative stress in the liver makes it easier to put on extra weight.

If you would like to lose weight, healing the gut is paramount.

Want to Detox for Weight Loss? Understand Oxidative Stress First

Oxidative stress is a type of biochemical stress that happens at a deep level, damaging our cells and DNA and aging the body.

Digestive care multi

Restoring your liver and gut health could hold the key to long-term weight loss. The Digestive Care Multi can start the healing process by providing probiotic, digestive, mineral, and liver cleanse support.

Oxidative stress comes from:

  • Free radicals
  • Environmental toxins
  • A leaky, permeable gut (this includes Candida overgrowth)
  • Byproducts of inflammation

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Free radicals, environmental toxins, leaky gut, and the byproducts of inflammation all generate oxidative stress. In the liver, oxidative stress shuts down a very important enzyme. Without this enzyme, the liver becomes insulin resistant — it produces too much glucose and grows “fatty.”

According to Professor Tiganis, lead author of a 2014 study published in Cell Metabolism, too much oxidative stress in the liver can “promote fatty liver disease and exacerbate the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes:”1

  • 80 percent of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are also obese.
  • 75 percent of people who struggle with obesity or type 2 diabetes also have fatty liver disease.

Antioxidants act like a buffer to counter this damage.

Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals and protect against oxidative stress. You’ll find antioxidants in bright fruits; cultured, cruciferous vegetables; and herbs like milk thistle and wasabi.

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Where to Begin: Detox, Repair the Gut, and Lose Weight

Losing weight isn’t just about counting calories or avoiding certain foods.

Weight loss depends on several interwoven factors, including:

  • A stress-free liver
  • A healthy gut
  • Hormonal balance

We can help the body achieve hormonal balance by minimizing our exposure to oxidative stress. The health of the liver relies on the health of the gut. So, if you would like to lose weight, healing the gut is paramount.

The liver receives about 70 percent of its blood supply from the intestine. After the intestinal wall, the liver is the next line of defense against food irritants, environmental toxins, and harmful microbes.

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When the gut becomes permeable, or “leaky,” this puts more pressure than ever on the liver. Oftentimes, this pressure is too great, and we see signs of oxidative stress.2

Indeed, researchers have found a strong and direct relationship between leaky gut and fatty liver disease. Because probiotics can cultivate a healthy intestinal landscape — repairing the damage caused by an overgrowth of bacteria or Candida yeast — they might also help in the recovery from fatty liver disease.3

In order to support the liver and simultaneously rebuild the gut, Donna created the Digestive Care Multi — it focuses on cleansing the liver, eliminating toxins, replenishing beneficial bacteria and yeast, and improving digestion.

What To Remember Most About This Article:

According to research, oxidative stress in the liver may make it easier to gain weight. Oxidative stress can be caused by free radicals, environmental toxins, a leaky gut, and inflammatory byproducts. Too much oxidative stress in the liver can promote fatty liver disease and the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Antioxidants are critical to counter this oxidative damage. Powerful antioxidants come from cultured, cruciferous vegetables; bright fruits; and herbs like milk thistle and wasabi.

There are three important steps to take if you want to restore your liver health:

  1. Detoxify
  2. Repair the gut
  3. Lose weight

When the gut is leaky, it burdens the liver. If this burden is too great, you will see signs of oxidative stress. Researchers have found a link between leaky gut and fatty liver disease; probiotics can be used to heal the gut and support the recovery of fatty liver disease. Healing the gut is essential to hormonal balance and long-term weight loss.

The Digestive Care Multi holds the key to liver and gut health — designed to eliminate toxins, cleanse the liver, replenish beneficial bacteria, and restore digestion.


  1. Gurzov, E. N., Tran, M., Fernandez-Rojo, M. A., Merry, T. L., Zhang, X., Xu, Y., … & Tiganis, T. (2014). Hepatic Oxidative Stress Promotes Insulin-STAT-5 Signaling and Obesity by Inactivating Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase N2. Cell Metabolism.
  2. Dumas, M. E., Barton, R. H., Toye, A., Cloarec, O., Blancher, C., Rothwell, A., … & Nicholson, J. K. (2006). Metabolic profiling reveals a contribution of gut microbiota to fatty liver phenotype in insulin-resistant mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(33), 12511-12516.
  3. Machado, M. V., & Cortez-Pinto, H. (2012). Gut microbiota and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Ann Hepatol, 11(4), 440-9.
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