
Is TV Making Your Kids Fatter? Study Says Yes

We want the best for our kids, so how do we ensure their health and happiness? Studies show that TV ads for fast food and obesity are linked, but there are better solutions than simply turning off the TV.

According to the National Institutes of Health, childhood obesity is rising to epidemic proportions. One in five children are obese and the numbers have been doubling over the past two to three decades.1

While childhood obesity is on the rise, obesity among adults has also risen dramatically and the problem is not just one faced by Americans. Obesity has become a global concern, with everyone from parents to health professionals and scientists looking for solutions.

A recent study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) found that “ a ban on fast food ads during children’s programming would reduce the number of overweight children aged three-to-11 by 18 percent, and lower the number of overweight adolescents aged 12-18 by 14 percent.”2

The researchers suggest that a ban be placed on the tax deductibility of fast food advertising.

Global food manufacturers are trying to solve the obesity problem with specific ingredients aimed at reducing appetite and parents are raising questions about vending machines in school. Still other measures are being taken to get kids away from TV sets and computer games so that they can add more exercise into their daily routine.

What’s interesting is that we keep looking for modern solutions, when perhaps it’s our modern times that got us here in the first place.

If we looked at life before and after processed foods, we’d see a very different picture of health. Is it possible that since the 1950’s, what we have really been experiencing is an epidemic of malnutrition?

Is it possible that going back to the basics – good, whole food Body Ecology nutrition with plenty of sleep and exercise is the simplest solution of all?

We encourage every concerned parent, everyone planning to be parents or anyone who has a loved one they care about to read the following articles:

  • How the Food Industry is Contributing to Obesity, Disease & the Devastation of Our Health … and What You Can Do About It
  • 8 Common Misperceptions about Obesity and Why Body Ecology is the Ideal Obesity Solution
  • How the Bacteria in Your Gut Causes Overweight (& How to Get Your Balance Right)
  • This is a MUST for Parents, Health Practioners and ANY Woman Who Ever Intends to Have a Baby!

Back to Basics – One Step At A Time

Studies continue to show the link between sugar, fast food and obesity. Healthy eating just got more delicious with Lakanto, the only all natural, zero-calorie, zero-glycemic index sugar substitute recommended by the Japanese Ministry of Health for obesity. Have your (healthy) cake and eat it too with Lakanto! Learn more about Lakanto and try Lakanto today.

Let’s face it fast food, sugar and processed foods are probably a bigger part of most kids’ diets than we’d like to admit. Encouraging your kids to eat a healthy Body Ecology diet can boost their immunity, improve their digestion and give them real, lasting energy to have active, happy lives.

How can you reduce or eliminate sugar, fast food and processed foods and add healthier meals that your kids will love? Learn from some of our Body Ecology parents:

How & Why Baby Maayan is Thriving More Than Ever on the Body Ecology Diet

If You Have Kids, Learn How Vicki Hartzog’s Daughter Has Made the Body Ecology Diet Her Own

5 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem with Mindful Eating

If you are ready to eliminate sugar, but still want to provide sweet treats for your kids, use Lakanto next time you bake.

Or do what Meg Brown and Vicki Hartzog have done and have your kids bake with you so that they can learn to be in charge of their healthy eating. Lakanto is best solution for all natural sugar substitutes because it is zero calories, zero glycemic index and it tastes and bakes just like sugar. In fact, the Japanese Ministry of Health recommends Lakanto for weight loss, obesity and blood sugar problems like diabetes.

Now your kids can have their (healthy) cake and eat it too, without the dangers of sugar! Here’s a recipe for Tasha’s healthy, delicious coffee cake to get you started.


Mark Torgan, Carol, Ph.D., Childhood Obesity on the Rise, National Institutes of Health, June 2002.

2 Hills, Sarah, “TV ads do make kids fatter: Study,” Food Navigator-Usa.com, November 20, 2008.

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