healthy breakfast ideas

Healthy breakfast ideas: Get inspo for the most important meal of the day

On the hunt for healthy breakfast ideas? Breakfast is one of the most neglected meals. With busy lives and long commutes to work, convenient processed foods like Pop-Tarts, donuts, and fast food have become par for the course. Add a little coffee or orange juice, and you have the typical American breakfast.

body ecology cookbook

Is your morning breakfast ritual depleting your energy? Consult our Body Ecology Living Cookbook for more tasty smoothie recipes and nourishing breakfast options.

Eggs help strengthen your thyroid, which is often weak in many people today — even children and teens.

The Body Ecology program was created to help build your energy and vitality, while healing your digestive system, so you can achieve and maintain vibrant health. So, what happens when you can no longer grab breakfast from a vending machine or fast food window?

5 tips for making a healthy breakfast worth waking up to

Use these strategies to save yourself from scrambling (anything more than eggs) in the morning:

1. Get your meal prep out of the way.

Whenever you’re creating a new habit, one of the keys to success is planning:

  • Create a menu plan for all of your meals for the week.
  • This will help you shop for the foods you’ll need and make the most of leftovers from the night before that can be used for a healthy breakfast.

Planning your menu in advance will also allow you to soak your nuts, seeds, or Body Ecology grain-like seeds the night before, so you’re ready to prepare them the next day.

2. Have an all-alkaline breakfast.

During the night when you’re sleeping, a toxic body tends to become more acidic. Acidic blood can potentially set the stage for illness and disease.1 When you wake up, having a more alkaline breakfast helps balance this acidic condition.

3. Hydrate.

When sleeping, you also become quite dehydrated. Drinking water and having a healthy breakfast with high water content is an excellent way to rehydrate your body to begin your day.

4. Make a slightly more expansive meal.

During the night, your body becomes contracted (stored energy that’s closed and tight), so you’ll want to have a meal that’s expansive (open, active, and relaxed energy). Read this article to learn more about the Body Ecology principle of expansion and contraction.

5. Never forget your veggies.

Everyone from experts to moms agree that it’s important to eat your veggies. Most people aren’t eating nearly enough:2

  • On the Body Ecology program, land and ocean vegetables are the star superfoods of every meal, including breakfast.
  • In fact, we recommend that 80 percent of each meal is made up of vegetables.

Vegetables meet all the criteria for our healthy breakfast tips: They’re alkaline, provide hydration, and offer balance from an acid/alkaline perspective. Unfortunately, eating vegetables for breakfast seems very foreign to many people. It’s certainly quite different from the processed food meals we see today.

But there are numerous healthy breakfast ideas that can make it easier to consume more vegetables each morning. For inspiration, keep reading.

Delicious and nutritious: Here’s where you can find our full collection of Body Ecology recipes.

11 healthy breakfast ideas to help you start your day strong

If you’re a light eater in the morning, one of these options may satisfy you. If you’re more active or have a bigger appetite, you could start your day with three of these hydrating meal options and have something more substantial mid-morning.

Try them for yourself and see:

1. CocoBiotic.

A juice glass filled with the already-made and economical CocoBiotic offers a great way to introduce the nutrients and benefits of coconut water without having to hunt for and crack young green coconuts. It’s convenient and has a special blend of Acidophilus and Saccharomyces boulardii (a beneficial yeast) that help support gut healing.3

2. Fruit.

Typically, fruit is too sweet and helps feed candida. However, there are four fruits on the Body Ecology program that do not feed candida:

  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Unsweetened black currants
  • Unsweetened cranberries

Unsweetened pomegranate and noni juice have also been added to the early stages of the Body Ecology program. You can get the benefits of fruit by mixing these fruit juices into your young coconut kefir (see below) or probiotic liquid in the morning. Add a little BE Sweet, and you have an excellent energy booster that is full of vitamins and minerals.

3. Green Smoothie.

This Good Morning Green Smoothie recipe will definitely make you appreciate your veggies. Blend it up before your morning exercise routine or on your way to work; it’s a great energizer.

4. Soup.

Soup is not just a lunch or dinner meal. It’s nourishing, warming, and hydrating — just what your body needs first thing in the morning, especially during winter months. Soup made into a creamy “porridge” using one or several of our grain-like seeds (quinoa, amaranth, millet, or buckwheat) may be filling and feel very nourishing on cold mornings.

5. Vegetables.

The easiest way to make sure that your breakfast includes 80 percent vegetables is to use leftovers from the night before. Cultured vegetables (CVs) are an excellent part of every meal (especially if you eat animal protein). Start your day right with half a cup of CVs to help provide your body with nutrients that are significantly multiplied by the action of healthy microbes.4

6. Vitality SuperGreen.

Vitality SuperGreen is our alkalizing green food blended with nutrients and probiotics to help nourish and support healing in your intestines. Just add filtered water, and it can give you a quick boost that replaces your need for acid-producing coffee.

This is how we often prepare our Vitality SuperGreen:

Blend and enjoy. If you have no appetite in the morning or are in a rush, the perfect morning pick-me-up is Vitality SuperGreen.

7. Young coconut kefir.

Young coconut kefir is an amazing probiotic liquid that you can make yourself. We consistently receive rave reports on its benefits, including helping to stop sugar cravings, prevent bloating in the digestive tract, ease joint pain, and make skin clearer — all while adding healthy microbes to support immunity.

If your morning schedule is jam-packed or includes a lot of physical activity: These meals include concentrated, contracting food, so they may be better-consumed mid-day than for breakfast. However, they’re a great choice for creating energy if you have a full morning.

8. Eggs.

Eggs help strengthen your thyroid, which is often weak in many people today — even children and teens:5

  • One therapeutic way to prepare eggs is to sauté them “over-easy” (a soft, runny yolk) in organic, unrefined coconut oil.
  • Then, eat mostly just the yolks; the cooked egg white (protein) is more difficult to digest and is often not as well-tolerated as the yolk.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s the egg yolk that is the healthiest, most nutritious part of the egg.

9. Fish or meat.

Many people eat fish or meat for their first meal of the day:

  • When it comes to breakfast, these foods tend to be best for the winter months.
  • Make sure you choose healthy fish and meat sources.

Combine fish/meat with lightly steamed vegetables and/or cultured vegetables. Drink a glass of CocoBiotic with unsweetened cranberry or black currant juice sweetened with BE Sweet a half-hour before you eat your animal protein meal to keep you from feeling too contracted.

10. Grain-like seeds.

Since most of us are used to having grains for breakfast, these meals may be a good transition for you. Simply select one of our four gluten-free Body Ecology grain-like seeds and cook them with either sweet or savory flavorings.

Here are some ideas:

Sweet | Cream of Buckwheat or quinoa flakes

  • Cook quinoa flakes or Cream of Buckwheat as directed and add: 1 teaspoon organic non-alcohol vanilla flavoring and cinnamon/BE Sweet to taste.
  • You can also add raw butter, ghee, or organic unrefined coconut oil, but skip the milk.
  • This makes a delicious, gluten-free replacement for oatmeal.

Savory | Millet porridge

  • In a pressure cooker, cook 1 cup pre-soaked millet with 7 cups of water.
  • Add Celtic sea salt and your favorite vegetables (leftovers can be used), such as carrots, onions, or ocean veggies from the night before.
  • Add a strip of the ocean vegetable kombu to the pot before cooking.
  • Cook it under pressure for about 30 minutes.
  • This “gruel” or “porridge” is excellent for addressing constipation.

Remember to balance your grain with vegetables, cultured vegetables, or ocean vegetables. If you’ve had a green smoothie and Vitality SuperGreen before your grain dish, you won’t need to have so many vegetables with your grain meal.

11. Milk kefir.

Kefir means “feel good” in Turkish and has been used for centuries to help create energy and health. A wonderful alkalizing meal, milk kefir should be added only when your intestines are not inflamed so that the casein protein will not “leak” through the wounded gut lining. We introduce it during Stage 2 of the Body Ecology program.

Here’s a recipe for milk kefir smoothies that’s sure to be loved by adults and children alike:

Blend ingredients together. This smoothie is excellent for children and adults who need a quick breakfast before they rush off to school or work. We’ve been told by many parents that the calming nutrients in raw milk kefir have helped their children with ADHD. We recommend drinking milk kefir on an empty stomach, making it an ideal breakfast meal.

With just a few changes to your habits and armed with these healthy breakfast ideas, you should soon feel equipped to face your day with higher energy.


  1. 1. Pizzorno J. Acidosis: An Old Idea Validated by New Research. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(1):8-12.
  2. 2. Lee-Kwan SH, Moore LV, Blanck HM, Harris DM, Galuska D. Disparities in State-Specific Adult Fruit and Vegetable Consumption — United States, 2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:1241–1247. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6645a1external icon.
  3. 3. Terciolo C, Dobric A, Ouaissi M, et al. (2017). Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 Restores intestinal Barrier Integrity by Regulation of E-cadherin Recycling. J Crohns Colitis, 11(8):999-1010.
  4. 4. R. Di Cagno, P. Filannino, M. Gobbetti, Fermented Foods: Fermented Vegetables and Other Products, Editor(s): Benjamin Caballero, Paul M. Finglas, Fidel Toldrá, Encyclopedia of Food and Health, Academic Press, 2016, Pages 668-674, ISBN 9780123849533, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-384947-2.00284-1.
  5. 5. Laurberg P, Cerqueira C, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB, Perrild H, Andersen S, Pedersen IB, Carlé A. Iodine intake as a determinant of thyroid disorders in populations. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Feb;24(1):13-27. doi: 10.1016/j.beem.2009.08.013. PMID: 20172467.
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