
The Secret to a Healthy Pregnancy Is in the Foods You Eat!

A study published in 2007 demonstrated how milk fat affects fertility.

Jorge Chavarro of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston assessed the diets of 18,555 married women without a history of infertility. These women were attempting to get pregnant or recently became pregnant. During the study, 2,165 women were examined medically for infertility. Of this group, 438 were found to be infertile due to lack of ovulation.

The shocking results?

Researchers found that women who ate two or more servings of low fat dairy foods per day, particularly skim milk and yogurt, had an 85% increased risk of ovulation-related infertility compared with women who ate less than one serving of low fat dairy per week. Chavarro suggested that women trying to get pregnant consume high fat dairy foods. (1)

Full fat dairy products may be the simple solution to give your body the nourishment it needs to boost your fertility!
Animal fats, like milk, cream, cheese, butter, egg yolks, caviar, fish oils, lard, and bone marrow are all deeply nourishing to the body.

These contain fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2, as well as other nutrients that are essential to proper fetal development, such as choline and omega 3 fatty acid DHA.

Classical Chinese herbalist Ye Tianshi frequently told his students that only medicinals made from animals, rather than plants, are able to “fill and nourish”. The Chinese considered bone marrow and organ meats to be extraordinarily strengthening, especially for those with a depleted condition. Infertility is frequently associated with deep deficiency.  Even though classical Chinese doctors did not know about fat-soluble vitamins, they understood the value of fats in maintaining fertility. (2)

All over the globe and especially in traditional cultures, the connection between fat and fertility is well understood.

For example, the Maasai in Africa only allow marriage after both the man and woman have spent several months eating foods rich in nutrients, such as the milk produced from the cattle during the wet season. The wet season is equivalent to spring, and it is when the milk will have the highest concentration of omega 3 fatty acids from the spring grasses.

Unfortunately, during the last thirty years in America, animal fats have become unpopular.

When you look at how obesity, type II diabetes, and heart disease have risen dramatically over the last thirty years, it is time to question whether or not fat is truly as dangerous as we think it is.

The most recent studies show that fat produced from diets high in fructose, which is a type of sugar, and refined oils from seeds and grains are at the root of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and other chronic degenerative conditions.

Animal fats can actually protect against oxidative damage from refined oils such as corn, soy, safflower, and vegetable oil. Additionally, remember that even though most of us think cholesterol is bad, cholesterol is essential to produce hormones and maintain the fluid structure of cell walls.

Whatever the animal ate, healthy or toxic, will translate into what you eat.

When selecting dairy, eggs, organ meats, and bone marrow, always make sure that animals are organic, pasture-raised, and 100% grass fed. What the animal eats determines how nutrient dense its product is.

For example, an egg that came from a factory farm and an organic egg from a local farm will look and taste different. The farm egg will likely have a yolk that is a deep golden orange in color. Each egg will also taste different from the other. This indicates how many nutrients you are receiving.

For a satisfying, nourishing recipe to boost fertility, click here!

What To Remember Most About This Article:

A 2007 study found a direct link between milk fat and fertility. Researchers concluded that women who ate two or more servings of low fat dairy per day had an 85% increased risk of infertility, meaning that women hoping to get pregnant should eat high fat dairy products instead.

Animal fats are deeply nourishing and contain important fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamins A, D, E, and K2, as well as essential nutrients like choline and DHA. But remember, you are what you eat. Whatever an animal ate will translate into the nutrients that you receive, so choose full fat dairy that is pasture-raised, organic, and 100% grass fed.


  1. Human Reproduction, online February 28, 2007
  2. Wilcox, Lorraine. Cases from Ye Tianshi (Ye Gui). 2011.


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