
How to De-Stress and Refocus on YOU after the Holidays

If the end of the holiday season has you hitting the snooze button one too many times, NOW is the time to take care of yourself!  Learn more about Donna’s 30 Day Detox program designed to reset your health – the easier and fun way!

Do the holidays leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed? Are you coming down with a cold or flu? Or perhaps the rich holiday foods caused weight gain or a general sluggish feeling?

It may be your body’s way of saying it’s time to refocus on YOU.

Often the holidays are about everyone else: their gifts, their parties, their wellbeing. Actually, you can take care of everyone else even better if you first take care of yourself!

So, if January 1st rolls around and you feel less than ready to embark on a fresh new year, then you (and your loved ones) might benefit from some self-care.

Nature’s Self-Care

The last few months of winter are an ideal time to treat yourself well, cleanse your system, and re-energize your body.

Plants and animals intuitively know that they need to rest during winter to be ready for the renewal and rebirth of spring. While our thinking minds are a great asset, they can also get in the way of our body’s natural need for rest. Our thinking minds push us to do more, accomplish more, when our bodies want us to rest and renew.

So, take a cue from nature! Why not mark your calendar for a relaxing long weekend of hibernation? Take the time to get some much-needed sleep, nourish your adrenals and restore your body’s balance. For more on the many benefits this has for your health, read: Sleeping Troubles? Learn Why Winter is the Ideal Time to Learn How to Sleep Right.

YOUR Self-Care Routine

A long weekend can go a long way to restoring wellbeing, but it’s actually the small, daily acts of self-care that will keep you feeling your best in all seasons.

Create your own personal rituals of self-care to renew and restore every day. Here are some ideas that you can begin to incorporate into your routine:

  • Get to bed early – ideally around 10:00 pm.
  • Spend the hour before bed winding down with quiet activities like reading or a warm bath.
  • Put beautiful, relaxing music on at night.
  • Do yoga or t’ai chi.
  • Drink a cup of calming tea before bed. Tulsi Tea, and camomile or sleepy time tea blends found in your health food store are readily available. Green Tea is caffeine free, and it contains theanine, an amino acid that is calming.
  • Meditate in the morning and/or night.
  • Use high quality essential oils, like lavender, for relaxation.
  • Turn off electric lamps right after the dinner dishes are done and light candles for a soft glow.
  • Practice deep breathing to slow your heart rate and reduce anxiety.
  • Cross things off your ‘to do’ list so that your mind is free to focus on other things.
  • Take 15 minutes during lunch to go outside and get some sun, even on overcast winter days.
  • Make a renewed commitment to the Body Ecology program of health and healing.
  • Discover the healing power of touch.

Want to de-stress and feel your best going into the New Year? Give yourself the gift of physical and emotional detoxification! Body Ecology’s Detoxification Training, brought to you in the comfort of your own home by Donna Gates and her team of top medical and natural health experts, brings you over 11 hours of targeted, step-by-step training on cleansing your body and mind.  Learn more about Body Ecology’s Detoxification Training and give yourself or a loved one the gift of good health this New Year!

Resistance to Self-Care

You may feel like you don’t have enough time to establish your own rituals, or you might have limiting beliefs that make you think they won’t work. If you’re feeling these kinds of blocks, try the highly effective and easy Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT.

EFT is a system of healing that has been shown to reduce anxiety, increase relaxation and even cure addiction. By tapping on emotional acupressure points, EFT can help you clear negative thoughts and get relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues.

New Year, New You with Body Ecology

The New Year is an ideal time to refocus on the healing benefits of the Body Ecology program. And for many people, it’s a time to detoxify, from the stress and rich, sugary foods that seem so tempting during the holiday season. Body Ecology’s system of health and healing builds your energy, calms and grounds you, helps you cleanse and revitalizes your body. New habits take time – and you are worth it! Take time out to put yourself and your health first.

As you incorporate these principles into your life, you’ll feel less stress and more energy. You may be surprised to find that this investment in yourself gives you more energy to enjoy the people and the world around you.

One of the best ways gifts you can give yourself is the gift of good health,  In this eye-opening online training program, Body Ecology founder Donna Gates is joined by a team of top medical and natural health experts to bring you the best, all-natural and lasting detoxification secrets. You will learn how to look and feel your best this holiday season and for your long-term health.

Body Ecology’s Detoxification Training will also teach you how to detoxify stress and negative emotions, so that you can feel more present and truly enjoy this holiday season.

There is nothing more precious than your health and it’s no secret that when your body feels healthy, your mind feels calmer and more at peace. And who couldn’t use a little more peace this coming year?

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