
Cleanse Toxins and Other Additives That Could Be Hiding in Your Food!

The risks of hidden additives in milk far outweigh the benefits. But this isn’t what the dairy industry wants you to believe.

Researchers found that drinking two or more diet sodas a day led to a waist size that was 500% greater than those who drank no diet soda at all.

We are not talking about sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. We are talking about synthetic and chemical sweeteners.

And what’s worse, the effect of these additives is broad. For example, research has found that synthetic sweeteners may increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity.

In 2009, the dairy industry filed a petition with the FDA to sell artificially sweetened milk without a label that alerts the public of any additives. (1)

In fact, the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) are attempting to officially change the definition of “milk.”

When they change the definition of “milk,” toxic sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose can be secretly used. When this happens, milk producers do not need to list these artificial sweeteners on the product label.

This means that chemically sweetened milk—and those products made from this milk, like whipping cream, yogurt, sour cream, and half-and-half—can come into your home without any warning.

Right now, the 2009 petition that was filed by the dairy industry is under review by the FDA.

What Are Aspartame and Sucralose?

Got milk? The FDA is currently reviewing a petition filed by the dairy industry to allow milk producers to omit artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose from dairy product labels.

Aspartame is a chemical sweetener that was first created in the mid-1960s. Many diet sodas and low-sugar and low-calorie foods use aspartame as a sweetener. It is about 200 times sweeter than table sugar.

Sucralose is another non-caloric and synthetic sweetener. It is 600 times sweeter than table sugar. Often found in little yellow packets, most people believe that sucralose is safer than other artificial sweeteners. As it turns out, it’s not.

While aspartame and sucralose are currently considered safe by the FDA, several new studies on diet drinks tell us that there may be more to the story.

A study published by French researchers this past January suggests that sugar-free soft drinks increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in women. (2) The study, published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, tracked over 66,000 women for 14 years. Researchers found that women who drank diet soda had a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Another study, this time out of the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, found that diet soda drinkers had a 70% greater waist size. Researchers also found that drinking two or more diet sodas a day led to a waist size that was 500% greater than those who drank no diet soda at all. (3)

Diabetes and Our Children

According to the dairy industry, using artificial sweeteners without special labeling is good for your children. In fact, it is one reason why they want to redefine milk.

The 2009 petition to the FDA explains that redefining “milk” and removing labels would:

  • Promote healthy eating
  • Boost kid appeal
  • Make it easier to assess the overall nutritional value of milk

Sweeter milk may make it tastier for adults and children alike. But is milk sweetened with aspartame and sucralose really healthy?

The U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that about 3,600 children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes every year.

Dr. Janet Silverstein at the University of Florida in Gainesville explains, “There’s been an increase in overweight and obese children and adolescents, with more type 2 diabetes in that population.”

Besides obesity, Dr. Silverstein tells us that big red flags include:

  • Reoccurring bladder infections
  • Yeast infections in girls

Both reoccurring bladder infections and yeast infections are signs of damaged gut bacteria and a wounded inner ecology. In other words, diabetes can mean a change (for the worse) in the gut bacteria and the inner ecology of children.

Protect Your Inner Ecosystem

A study published in 2008 from Duke University found that sucralose kills gut bacteria in mice. (4) Over 12 weeks, researchers collected stool samples and noticed an imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria. Even after another 12 weeks of recovery, levels of good flora in the gut remained low.

Whether it is sucralose, aspartame, or saccharin, all synthetic sweeteners harm good gut bacteria. And that’s not all.

According to a recent review out of Washington University, synthetic sweeteners trigger an inflammatory response. (5) This changes the environment of the gut. Inflammation disrupts normal metabolism, which can contribute to obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes. (6)

Your Health Is Important: 2 Ways to Make It Easy

Unfortunately, labels are hard enough to decipher without the added trouble of missing ingredients.  If you drink milk or even occasionally eat other foods that are processed, what can you do to stay healthy and vibrant?

The answer is a two-part process:

  1. Cleanse toxins and chemicals that are hidden in our food and drinks.
  2. Maintain a balanced inner ecosystem.

It’s no surprise that when you take care of your liver, your liver takes care of you.

When cleansing toxins and chemicals from the body, you will find the most support if you use herbs like wasabi, milk thistle, sarsaparilla, and artichoke leaf. This is why we formulated our Digestive Care Multi Liver Power Cleanse to include these four herbs.

Herbs like wasabi, milk thistle, sarsaparilla, and artichoke leaf nourish levels of antioxidants in the body. They help the liver do its job. Wasabi supports genetic and cellular repair.

Because extremely high amounts of sucralose can damage the DNA in our cells—this is a good thing. Our Mineral Power Blend continues to support the detoxification process by chelating poisons out of the body, the liver, and the digestive tract.

Finally, in order to restore balance in the gut, there are two steps you must take for proper digestion:

1. The first step is to ensure no large food particles rot and ferment in the gut, which feeds systemic infection like Candida.

Donna designed the Digestive Enzyme Power Blend to work not only in the stomach but also in the small intestine, where critical digestive processes take place.

2. The second step in complete digestion involves good gut bacteria and a balanced inner ecosystem. And while you can pick up a probiotic pill at the grocery store, watch out for the strains of bacteria that you choose.

The right bacteria can harmonize the gut, reduce inflammation, control obesity, and may even help to manage levels of hormones in the body. This is why Donna formulated the Probiotic Power Blend to contain a specific combination of probiotics and beneficial yeast to recolonize the gut and eliminate Candida, other pathogenic microorganisms, and toxins.

Digestive Care Multi is an easy system that gives you everything you need to cleanse the body of toxins and maintain a healthy inner ecosystem. 

What To Remember Most About This Article:

Even an innocent beverage like milk that is advertised as “good for you” could contain toxic artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose if the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) get their way.

Aspartame and sucralose are chemical sweeteners that may be considered safe by the FDA, but studies link them to type 2 diabetes in women and a larger waist size. Sucralose has also been proven to kill healthy gut bacteria in mice; it triggers an inflammatory response and can change the environment of the gut.

If you want to take control over your health and rid your body of toxins, it’s important to:

  1. Cleanse hidden chemicals and toxins in food and drinks.
  2. Support a balanced inner ecosystem.

The Digestive Care Multi was made for this reason to flush harmful toxins from the body and maintain a healthy inner ecosystem, with a Liver Power Cleanse, Mineral Power Blend, Digestive Enzyme Power Blend, and Probiotic Power Blend.

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  1. https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/02/20/2013-03835/flavored-milk-petition-to-amend-the-standard-of-identity-for-milk-and-17-additional-dairy-products. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.
  2. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Waistlines in people, glucose levels in mice hint at sweeteners’ effects: Related studies point to the illusion of the artificial. HSC NEWS. 28 Jun. 2011. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.
  3. F Clavel-Chapelon, et al. Consumption of artificially and sugar-sweetened beverages and incident type 2 diabetes in the E3N-EPIC cohort. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2013 Mar; 97(3): 517 – 523. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.050997. Epub 2013 Jan 30.
  4. MB Abou-Donia, et al. Splenda alters gut microflora and increases intestinal p-glycoprotein and cytochrome p-450 in male rats. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2008; 71 (21): 1415 – 1429.
  5. MY Pepino, et al. Non-nutritive sweeteners, energy balance, and glucose homeostasis. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. 2011 Jul; 14 (4): 391 – 395.
  6. AN Payne, et al. Gut microbial adaptation to dietary consumption of fructose, artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols: implications for host–microbe interactions contributing to obesity. Obesity Reviews. 2012; 13: 799 – 809.
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