
Women's Health

Can you reverse gray hair? 4 natural ways to turn

It was over 100 years ago that Dr. Élie Metchnikoff noticed that in cultures where people ate fermented foods, they...

Listen: Restore Your Energy Levels, Naturally

In this episode, Donna is joined by the Founder of The Energy Blueprint, Ari Whitten, M.S. He is an energy...

LISTEN: Dr. Mindy Pelz Talks About Fasting For Women In

“Whether or not you believe it, we are hormonally designed to reproduce, in every shape and form” The Healing Power...

Listen: Donna Talks To JJ Virgin About Kicking Sugar To

We know that sugar isn't good for us. But just how much of an impact does that occasional treat have...

The Truth About UTIs

“My doctor told me it was Mr. Bubble,” my friend said.  “Seriously?” It didn’t make sense to me that a...

Your home may be the reason why you have health

I've worked with so many clients over the years who have had no idea that their safe haven of a...

Reset your gut health: Identify (and correct) key nutrient imbalances

If you’re taking supplements, you might think you’re getting the nutrients you need (no matter what you’re eating).  But studies...

Has your dermatologist told you about this natural eczema remedy?

Fulvic acid is an excellent digestive tonic. There's evidence that it can help heal the gut, in addition to being...

Before you give up sugar…

When it comes to food, I think the toughest thing for people to do is balance what they eat, and...

Body Ecology blood type series: Calling all Os

This last article in our blood type series is all about you Os. You are the most prevalent and the...

Body Ecology blood type series: Living life as an AB

If you (or someone you know) are an AB blood type, know that ABs have their own distinct characteristics that...

Body Ecology blood type series: Understanding the As in your

In 1996, a new book was published that had the wellness community stand up and take notice. The book was...

What’s really making you sick (and tired)

Grab the 20 Ways to Beat Fatigue eBook and discover scientifically proven strategies to lower fatigue and help you feel more...

Balancing blood sugar (with or without diabetes)

For my community:  If you get on the list now,  you'll get free access for 10 days to the Diabetes...

Watch: Donna Gates & Ann Louise Gittleman talk growing better

Is aging optional? This is what Ann Louise Gittleman discusses in her new book, Radical Longevity, and in our latest...

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