
Weight Loss

Why American Guts Are in Trouble

The human gut is home to a diverse array of bacteria, with one of the most common being Escherichia coli...

Say Goodbye to Symptoms of Fatigue

Do you wake up tired and lack energy most of the day? Is deep, restful sleep an issue? Are your...

Listen: Donna Talks To JJ Virgin About Kicking Sugar To

We know that sugar isn't good for us. But just how much of an impact does that occasional treat have...

Why Has Obesity Become Acceptable In America?

Let me start this article by saying I understand this topic is sensitive. It's also something I don't talk about...

Facebook Live Replay: Donna Talks Food Combining for Weight Loss

If you missed our recent article on food combining for weight loss, check it out here. To answer questions from...

Food Combining For Weight Loss: Rules We Swear By!

In this article, you will learn how to apply the 3 basic Body Ecology Food Combining Principles: How and when...

Start Your Morning Right: Delicious Smoothie Recipe

At Body Ecology, we emphasize the importance of a healthy inner ecosystem. Beneficial microflora help to regulate digestive function and...

Watch: Donna Gates & Bulletproof’s Dave Asprey talk intermittent fasting

Do you really have the facts about intermittent fasting? To ensure you're doing it safely and effectively, you might want...

What is wasabi? These are some of the best reasons

There’s a reason sushi and sashimi (raw fish) are eaten with soy sauce and wasabi. This bright green, spicy garnish...

Too much of a good thing? Gut help after excessive

Body Ecology’s new, limited edition BeetBiotic™ is a hydrating, performance-supporting probiotic liquid that’s tough to beat. Drinking just a few...

Here’s why we all should consider drinking coconut water kefir:

Unfermented coconut water is an ancient drink that’s been enjoyed for hundreds of years, and the studies on its health...

Soothe muscle soreness? 3 things to know about post-workout protein

Muscle fatigue, muscle soreness, and exhaustion: These side effects are considered common after a tough workout; after all, no pain,...

A Crisis of Immunity? Start with your gut.

Hi friends, the cost of not understanding that your GUT is the gateway to health, energy and immunity is high...

A Powerful New Plan to Lose Fat and Reignite Your

Over my career, I've been lucky to work with such a vast amount of amazing individuals who have truly been...

[WATCH] How genetic testing can improve health + longevity

For over 30 years, I said there is a Universal Law—The Principle of Uniqueness—that states that you are one of...

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