
Thyroid Health

7 Tips To Prevent Winter Colds & Flu

Colds, flu, and now these latest coronavirus strains, are predicted to infect everyone. Between holidays and other kinds of stress,...

Can you reverse gray hair? 4 natural ways to turn

It was over 100 years ago that Dr. Élie Metchnikoff noticed that in cultures where people ate fermented foods, they...

Say Goodbye to Symptoms of Fatigue

Do you wake up tired and lack energy most of the day? Is deep, restful sleep an issue? Are your...

Why We Crave – And How To Kick Your Food

It's 3 PM and you can't stop thinking about the candy or chips tucked away in the pantry. You try...

Eat Your Veggies — Okay, But Are They Better Cooked

Everyone knows that vegetables can be a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibers—and that fibers are pre-biotics that...

Listen: Donna and Dr. Raphael Kellman Talk About The Microbiome

The leader in Microbiome Medicine offers a revelatory guide to the gut-thyroid connection, with cutting-edge information—and a surprising source of...

What’s the connection between this common nasal infection and a

There are many causes of a leaky gut. A MARCoNS nasal infection is one of them. MARCoNS is short for...

Before you give up sugar…

When it comes to food, I think the toughest thing for people to do is balance what they eat, and...

Body Ecology blood type series: Calling all Os

This last article in our blood type series is all about you Os. You are the most prevalent and the...

What’s really making you sick (and tired)

Grab the 20 Ways to Beat Fatigue eBook and discover scientifically proven strategies to lower fatigue and help you feel more...

Questions answered about the emerging field of frequency medicine

We are about to enter a new age, where technology and its potential to disrupt our personal energy fields will...

The overlooked secret to SUPER Immune Health

Immune health is on everyone's mind right now.  Everyone's washing their hands a lot... and sanitizing them.... and trying to...

The Immune Defense Summit is Here

Given that COVID-19 is a virus that presents a serious global health threat, I want to help make sure your...

Reducing Toxic Load – Liver Flush

One of the most vital exercises to undertake, at this time in our collective health journey, is definitely a Liver...

A Crisis of Immunity? Start with your gut.

Hi friends, the cost of not understanding that your GUT is the gateway to health, energy and immunity is high...

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