Now is a great time to enjoy seasonal root vegetables like squash, carrots, parsnips, and… fermented beets! They all make...
“Let food be thy medicine,” the saying begins. Like many quotes that have found their way into our contemporary lexicon,...
The Great Side Salad uses all early spring vegetables that are starting to come into season at the market. Feel...
Everyone knows that vegetables can be a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibers—and that fibers are pre-biotics that...
There’s a reason sushi and sashimi (raw fish) are eaten with soy sauce and wasabi. This bright green, spicy garnish...
Ginger has been a staple in traditional medicine for centuries, valued for its powerful health benefits. As a member of...
Whether it’s a new year or not, you may be hopping on a new bandwagon to try one of many...
Are you being good to your gut? Poor digestion is your gut’s way of telling you something’s wrong. But many...
Traditionally, when you eat beans or lentils, you eat rice too. This classic combination in the culinary world is no...
Is your vegan protein fermented? It better be. Unfermented plant-based sources of protein contain molecules that bind to minerals and...
Your most unrelenting cravings for sugar may come first thing in the morning. This is because your brain burns glucose...
Here is a recipe from my new cookbook available now! Over 250 sugar-free, gluten-free Body Ecology friendly recipes including smoothies,...
We are not so much what we eat but what we absorb. Vitamin D is essential for intestinal health. Vitamin...
In most states, raw milk is hard to come by. Raw milk from healthy animals contains compounds that can fight...
Want to fight disease? Eat your vegetables. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published a list of...