

3 Ways to Protect Your Child Against Allergies

In the United States, about 6 million children—or one out of 11—suffer from food allergies. (1) This number continues to...

Listen: Your Genius Body with Andrew Rostenberg

Andrew Rostenberg is a chiropractor, author and functional medicine expert. He joins Donna on this episode of Body Ecology Living...

Say goodbye to allergy meds and say hello to nature’s

Spirulina is the blue-green algae made famous by NASA after the agency used it to support astronauts’ health during space...

Rethinking multivitamins: Do you need one?

Around half of all American adults take a daily multivitamin, but are these pills necessary?1,2 Or, worse, could they be...

Copper and Zinc Imbalances in Mental Disorders

For those with Mental Disorders, Behavior Disorders, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Other Brain Disorders... Dr. William J. Walsh, an internationally...

A Crisis of Immunity? Start with your gut.

Hi friends, the cost of not understanding that your GUT is the gateway to health, energy and immunity is high...

[WATCH] How genetic testing can improve health + longevity

For over 30 years, I said there is a Universal Law—The Principle of Uniqueness—that states that you are one of...

A helpful review of the most popular diets: Paleo, keto,

Whether it’s a new year or not, you may be hopping on a new bandwagon to try one of many...

Are a baby’s gut bacteria the secret to growing healthier

A month after birth, Bifidobacteria probiotic organisms dominate a healthy, breastfed baby’s gut — making up as much as 91...

Infant nutrition: 5 foods that will make your baby smarter

By Megan Garcia By the age of two, your baby’s brain reaches 80 percent of its adult weight.1 A lot...

4 Power Foods That Heal Leaky Gut

This week, Body Ecology launched the first-ever Healthy Gut Summit. Josh Axe, who is on the panel of experts at...

How to Protect Yourself Against BPA

Have you heard of BPA—otherwise known as bisphenol A? Prenatal exposure to BPA is associated with breast cancer and prostate...

What You Should Know About Kombucha Before You Drink It

The only reason to drink kombucha is because it makes you feel healthier. After all, no diet or study contains...

4 Benefits of Milk Kefir That Could Change Your Life

Dairy can be problem, for adults and children alike. But do you need to completely remove it from your diet?...

The #1 Probiotic for a Really Healthy New Year

We know the body needs probiotics to aid in digestion — but the benefits of L. plantarum, one of our favorite...

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