

7 Tips To Prevent Winter Colds & Flu

Colds, flu, and now these latest coronavirus strains, are predicted to infect everyone. Between holidays and other kinds of stress,...

Why strains matter (if you want to get the best

Most folks now know that probiotics are beneficial bacteria (or yeasts!) available in certain fermented foods, as well as supplements,...

Are you unknowingly damaging your child’s brain?

From sugary breakfast cereals to lunch boxes featuring processed meals to dinners followed by desserts brimming with sugar, it’s no...

What The Baby Formula Shortage Has Taught Us About Infant

In the 1950s and 60s, many new mothers preferred not to breastfeed their infants. At the time, breastfeeding was looked down...

Here’s why we all should consider drinking coconut water kefir:

Unfermented coconut water is an ancient drink that’s been enjoyed for hundreds of years, and the studies on its health...

A Crisis of Immunity? Start with your gut.

Hi friends, the cost of not understanding that your GUT is the gateway to health, energy and immunity is high...

[VIDEO RECIPE] How to make coconut kefir the easy way

Great discoveries often stem from a touch of serendipity and some creative experimentation.  Don Kidson, owner of the Living Lighthouse...

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your “inner ecosystem.” More nutritious and therapeutic...

Do kefir’s pro-immunity benefits live up to the hype?

Kefir is a traditional drink that has been popular for hundreds — if not thousands — of years. It originally...

Soy allergy? Fermenting takes the ‘allergy’ out of soy &

Food allergies affect approximately 32 million Americans.1 And it seems they are on the rise, impacting a higher percentage of...

Is pasteurization good or bad? Why raw milk may be

Have you been taught that pasteurization is good for you? Many proponents of pasteurization claim that it kills harmful bacteria...

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