
The Artificial & Natural Sweeteners Health & Safety Rankings – Which are Worst, Which are Best?

Do you love cookies, cake, sugar in your tea? You’re not alone! The average American eats about 150 pounds of sugar each year. If you have been trying to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners, beware of their potential side effects. Trying one of the best natural sweeteners that is also safe and has zero calories, Lakanto Monkfruit may just change the way you eat!

(Note to Readers: Also be sure to check out our related article, Honey, Sugar, Molasses, Agave, Stevia & Other Natural Sweeteners: Which Are Actually Good for You?)

Sugar. It’s a part of our culture, our traditions and our lives.

From our earliest days, we often associate sweet things with nurturing and love.

Sweet treats have become a nearly unavoidable part of holidays and birthdays, but did you know that some form of sugar is in just about every processed food on the market? Even so called “healthy” foods can be laden with ingredients to sweeten it up.  Let’s see how we can still indulge with some of the best natural sweeteners that won’t compromise your health.

Do you have a sweet tooth?

You may be surprised to learn that the average American consumes about 150 pounds of sugar each year. 

Because Americans consume so much sugar, we’ve seen a rise in diabetes, hyperactivity, and obesity. As a result, many people turn to artificial sweeteners for a calorie-free sweet fix.

But artificial sweeteners are NOT a healthy alternative to sugar.

Including certain sugar alternatives, cultured foods and the right prebiotics and probiotics into a diet can be game changing for anyone trying to live a healthier life, or to conquer certain health conditions.  Read on to discover the best and the worst artificial and natural sweeteners on the market today and the healthier alternatives!


The Best Natural Sweeteners

Donna Gates spent years introducing stevia to tens of thousands of Americans during the years the FDA banned importation into the US. She knew how vital it was for us (and especially our children) to have a safe, sweet-tasting sugar substitute that did not feed fungal infections or raise blood sugar.

In those earlier days, there were no delicious examples of stevia. It was an unpopular herb because of the strong licorice-like aftertaste of the crude green leaf.

Body Ecology began offering stevia in a white powder that was an extract of the two sweet elements in stevia…rebaudioside and stevioside. We encouraged thousands of our customers to contact the FDA and request that stevia be given GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) approval as a sweetener. The FDA received constant phone calls and, two-and-a-half years later when the SunRider Company filed a formal petition, the FDA lifted the ban allowing it to be sold, but only as a dietary supplement.

The job was far from over, however, since Americans really had no idea of how to use this new white powder. Donna, knowing that there was a “learning curve” to a sugar substitute that was nothing like sugar developed recipes, co-authored a cookbook with Dr. Ray Sahalian called, STEVIA: Cooking with Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener.

Because Stevia is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, most people found the fluffy white powder difficult to work with, so Body Ecology introduced the first higher quality Reb-A liquid concentrate. This more convenient form of stevia is great for sweetening beverages, probiotic drinks and breakfast dishes …but the powder or the liquid aren’t really that acceptable for baking.

Determined to find a solution and after much research and experimentation,  Donna was the first one to bring the sugar alcohol, Lakanto, to the US and market it as a new natural sweetener that is an all-around star for health and sweetness, including in baking.   Made from the naturally sweet luo han guo fruit (monk fruit), calorie-free Lakanto looks like sugar, tastes like sugar, and bakes like sugar — without sugar’s dangers.  There are so many ways that Stevia and Lakanto can be used – so make sure to tag us (@bodyecologyofficial) if you make your own creation that works well!

Benefits of Stevia and Lakanto

Even though Stevia and Lakanto are two of the best natural sweeteners, here at Body Ecology, we always like to note that most everything has a front and a back to it.  Stevia and Lakanto have some great benefits for many people.  Try not to use them in large amounts though – it’s not a good practice in general, especially if you have hormonal imbalances and infertility.  Also, if you have hypoglycemia or are sensitive to oxalates, use in moderation (typically a couple drops causes no issues for people). 

  • Zero calories
  • All natural ingredients
  • Sweetness equal to sugar
  • No aftertaste
  • Heat resistance makes it excellent for baking
  • May control blood sugar levels
  • Can be used anywhere in place of sugar
  • May prevent cavities
  • Comes in granulated, cubed, and syrup forms
  • Less likely to feed candida

Stevia and Lakanto may have great appeal if you:

  • Want to lose weight
  • Have diabetes or excess sugar in your blood
  • Are looking for a calorie-free, natural sweetener
  • Follow a low glycemic diet
  • Like a sweet taste, but not the side effects of artificial sweeteners
  • Have candida or other fungal and bacterial infections
  • Want to minimize sugar’s aging effect on your body

You may just find that Stevia and Lakanto are great complements to the Body Ecology system for health and healing, and can help you reach your wellness goals without giving up your sweet tooth!


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  14. The Best Sugar Substitutes for People with Diabetes.  Healthline.com.  Retrieved June 22, 2020
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