Animal Protein vs. Body Ecology Vegan Diets: A Special Note from Donna Gates
At Body Ecology, we totally sympathize with the commonly-held belief that eating animal foods takes away the life of another animal and is morally, ethically, and spiritually wrong. Those on a spiritual path often chose to eliminate animal foods entirely from their diet for this reason, and I respect this choice, but years of working with vegans has taught me that it is very difficult to be a vegan and also be grounded and strong. Over time, muscles waste away, and our brain especially seems to suffer.
Perhaps for most of us, it is part of life in this dimension that we must be on the top of the food chain where one animal eats another to sustain its life. Otherwise, it is difficult to obtain enough protein if you are vegan. Certainly, as some cultures believe, taking a life to sustain our own deserves much more of a sense of gratitude, and while the animal is alive, it should lead a pleasant life.
A short-term vegan diet can be valuable for many people and would be a form of “fasting” to a body with an overburdened liver used to living off of carbs and proteins. The vegan diet (done Body Ecology style) is the ideal initial diet for someone fighting cancer.
When you chose to be vegan, getting enough protein and Vitamin B12 is difficult.

As a vegan, this is the complete protein you need to protect your muscles and brain activity!
Super Spirulina Plus is made from protein-rich grain-like seeds (quinoa, amaranth, millet), but what really makes it special is that 50% of the protein comes from fermented spirulina. (Unless it is fermented, spirulina will not be properly digested, and you will not receive its many wonderful benefits.)
Because vegans are often deficient in B12, Super Spirulina Plus with 50% fermented Spirulina is also an excellent source of this essential B vitamin.
Natto, miso, and tempeh are three outstanding fermented vegetarian protein sources that fit well into The Body Ecology Vegan Diet. They should be eaten with other fermented foods, especially cultured vegetables.
A vegetarian meal with fermented milk and eggs may be a better compromise for anyone who, for spiritual or personal ethics, wants to avoid killing an animal to sustain their own life. With these food choices, the animal is providing us with food but remains alive. Milk kefir and eggs are strengthening, grounding, and provide amino acids and fats that our body needs to remain strong and vital.
Here’s to your health,
Donna Gates