
An Integrated Approach to Keeping Your Immune System Strong

Content reviewed by Donna Gates
Written by Body Ecology on July 11th, 2022


>>>Register today for the free event, Infections:  Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols<<<

When struggling with chronic illness – parasites, Lyme disease, mold toxicity, recurrent infections – finding truly effective solutions can seem impossible. Have you seen dozens of doctors for countless (always changing) symptoms?

Join Dr. Christopher Motley to discover an integrated approach to help you achieve whole body health.

Infections: Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols is online and FREE from August 22-28, 2022.

infections bannerAbout the Event

Infections: Eastern Wisdom Meets Modern Protocols will provide you with all the information you need to understand:

>Signs & symptoms of parasites to look for

>How to support your body through detox

>How chronic exposure to toxins alters immune function

>Traditional Chinese medicine approaches to recurrent infections

>Organs & body systems in traditional Chinese medicine

>Role of lifestyle, diet & mindset in building an effective protocol

An Integrated Approach to Keep Your Immune System Strong

When considering infections, there are different lenses through which we can look at health and disease.

Modern Western medicine utilizes diagnostic testing, and if we’re sick, we’re given medication to kill the pathogen. When those tests return to normal, we’re seen as healthy again.

Another view, according to some of the latest scientific research, is that sickness can be related to emotions, stress or past trauma and can be addressed through relaxation and mindfulness.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) views the physical and emotional aspects of illness as a full picture; symptoms are seen as part of a unique pattern when determining a combination of herbs, lifestyle modifications, movement, acupuncture and emotional/trauma work to promote healing. You don’t just target the infection, you also build the body’s energy. This is a new way of looking at healing for many, though these practices are centuries years old.

Learn how TCM practices combined with familiar and emerging protocols can help keep your immune system strong!

attend infections

Together with root cause medicine experts on infections, Dr. Motley will turn an Eastern medicine lens to modern-day symptoms and diseases. Unlock the secrets and practices of acupuncture, lifestyle change, the horary cycle, emotional release, TCM herbs and therapeutics (and more!) to help get you back on the road to vibrant wellness!

Upgrade Your Experience

Upgrade your health journey alongside Dr. Christopher Motley with lifetime access to the world’s infection-fighting sessions.

Lifetime access to our 36 expert sessions will provide you with integrated solutions to address the root causes of chronic infections while focusing on your whole body health.

Unlock the secrets and practices of acupuncture, lifestyle change, the horary cycle, emotional release, TCM herbs and therapeutics (and more!) to help you fight off infection and get you back on the road to vibrant wellness!

When you purchase a package, you’ll get several free gifts, including Body Ecology’s eBook: Understanding Candida: Yeast and Fungal Infection — a $25 value!

See available packages.

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