The Quick and Easy Guide to Improving Your Health on the Body Ecology Program Part III: A Day in the Life of Body Ecology

Wondering what a Body Ecology menu might look like? A sample day of Body Ecology food is nutritious AND very delicious…see for yourself!
Are you ready to get healthy, boost your immunity, have more energy than ever, and shed excess pounds? If so, then it’s time to make a commitment to cultivating your health, vitality and immunity by choosing Body Ecology every day.
Read on to learn exactly what a day in the life of Body Ecology looks (and tastes) like!
A Sample Day with Body Ecology
When planning any of your meals, remember Body Ecology’s 7 healthy eating principles, including food combining and the principle of 80/20.
Wake up
When you first wake up, your blood is more acidic after a night of cleansing and repair. Your body is also dehydrated. The microflora in your intestines need water too so before you do anything else drink a large glass of pure mineral-rich spring water. Drink a second glass soon after. With this second glass you can take any morning supplements.
Have you read the first two installments of our “Quick and Easy Guide to Improving Your Health on the Body Ecology Program?”
If not, be sure to read Part I: The First 7 Steps to Great Health to learn about the basic Body Ecology principles that are the foundation for a lifetime of wellness. Then move on to Part II: Putting It All Together, where we answer some of the most common questions about following the Body Ecology system of health and healing. |
To stimulate natural peristaltic action in your intestines so that you have a morning elimination, also drink 8 ounces of warm water with the juice of a lemon.
Healing Morning Energy Drink
After you’ve had your cleansing morning lemon water, further hydrate and alkalize your body with a healthy, energizing drink.
You can make a delicious morning energy drink with:
- 4 ounces Young Coconut Kefir or 2 oz. of CocoBiotic or 2 oz of Dong Quai
- 4 ounces water
- 1 scoop Vitality SuperGreen
- 2 scoops RenewPro Whey Protein Concentrate
With this morning energy drink, you’ll add beneficial probiotics to your digestive tract, create more alkaline blood and give your body some easily digestible protein that tastes delicious!
Be sure to drink slowly and let the digestion process begin in your mouth.
Once you feel your body’s hunger signals, it’s time to eat your first meal of the day. For some people this happens early, while for others it’s not until 11 am!
Eggs make a great Body Ecology breakfast, and they provide essential fatty acids and healthy protein. They combine well with all kinds of fermented, cooked, and raw vegetables (including ocean vegetables) for limitless flavors!
Try our recipe for Soft Scrambled Eggs, and then add your own variations.
To learn about choosing high quality eggs, read Eggs: What Healthy People Need to Know about One of the Most Controversial Foods.
For a light meal that hydrates your body, try a delicious Body Ecology soup for breakfast! Our article Why Soup is a Great Meal for More than Just the Winter Season explains more about the benefits of eating soup year round.
In fact, a wonderful anti-viral soup option that is full of healthy microflora AND supports your weight loss goals is miso soup.
Your mid-day meal should be the largest of your day, since this is when your “digestive fire” is the strongest (between 10 am – 2 pm). This is also an ideal time for your animal protein meal.
Try Turkey Burgers with Sweet Mustard sauce with your favorite green salad, cultured vegetables and ocean vegetables. For more information on how to choose high quality proteins, be sure to read Good Meats v. Bad Meats: The Definitive Guide to How to Choose the Healthiest Meats.
If you are not eating animal protein or if you are a vegetarian, try sautéing your favorite vegetables and serving them with a Body Ecology grain-like seed, such as millet.
Afternoon Pick Me Up
When you feel that late afternoon slump, resist the urge to reach for acid-producing sugar and caffeine!
Instead, try Vitality SuperGreen mixed with water or your favorite probiotic liquid. This drink will provide hydration (dehydration is an energy zapper), alkalinize your blood, heal your gut AND provide healthy probiotics for an overall natural energy boost!
To learn about the dangers of conventional energy drinks and ways to naturally boost your body’s energy, read Energy Drink Nutrition: The Dangers You Need to Know and the Best Choices Instead.
If you are hungry for something else, soaked almonds make great “brain food.”
Another snack might be turkey roll-up filled with cultured veggies. Or if you do not want protein again, try blue corn chips dipped into cultured veggies. Children love this treat.
Your evening meal should be light and easy to digest, so it’s best to stay away from heavy foods and traditional meat-centered meals.
A grain-based meal is ideal because it is easy to digest and the nutrients in grains provide a calming effect, helping you sleep better. Quinoa and Cilantro Salad with Lemon & Garlic is a great grain-based dinner salad to eat during warmer months.
For a well-rounded Body Ecology meal, add your favorite ocean vegetable, a fermented food like kimchi and Basil Veggie Stew.
In Between Meals
Since it is best not to drink too much liquid during your meals (it dilutes your gastric juices), be sure to hydrate throughout the day. Besides the two glasses you drink when you first wake up, find time to drink about 6 more glasses of pure water throughout the day.
Many people do find they do well on sparkling mineral water in particular. For many people it can help stimulate digestion. You’ll have to experiment and decide if it’s good for you or not. A bit of fresh squeezed lemon juice with Stevia makes a refreshing way to obtain you daily water intake, especially in the warm-weather months.
Through out the day you can also sip on:
- Green tea or black tea sweetened with Stevia
- Good, filtered water.
- Fermented drinks, like Young Coconut Kefir or your favorite probiotic liquid.

The Body Ecology Diet can give you more gourmet recipes (including excellent recipes for ocean vegetables), sample menus and tasty snack ideas that can help you on your way to wellness.
Order The Body Ecology Diet today, along with the
great bonus you can read about here!
Tips to Make The Diet Really Work For You
To maintain your healthy Body Ecology lifestyle, it’s important to plan ahead.
Try these tips to make it easier to live, eat, and be healthy:
· Prepare your vegetables for a day or two ahead by cutting them up and storing them in an airtight container in your refrigerator. Then when you are ready to cook you won’t have to spend the time prepping. Yes, they lose some nutritional value when they are cut, but if it helps you eat better this minor nutrient loss is worth it.
- Invest in a slow cooker if you like to make soups. We like this slow cooker
because it is programmable and big enough for larger batches of soup.
- Plan your week’s meals and snacks to avoid last minute stops at the grocery store or fast food joints.
- Consider buying healthy “convenience” foods. Try out store bought fermented vegetables and pre-made probiotic liquids.
- Purchase bags of pre-washed salad mixes like mixed field greens. Then add a quick salad dressing made up of three tablespoons of organic oil (this can be a combination of olive, flax, pumpkinseed, pine nut oil, etc), with one part apple cider vinegar. Now add sea salt and/or Herbamare. You’re ready to go.
- Another Salad Dressing tip is to make up enough of a basic salad dressing above to last a week, then change the flavoring by adding different herbs. One night can be garlic and basil, oregano another night and herbs of Provence another night.
- Cook up enough grain-like seeds (quinoa , millet , buckwheat, amaranth) to last for at least two to four meals. You can make them fresh the first night topped with butter, olive oil or sautéed veggies. For the second meal you can pan fry these great high-protein foods and then top with our Body Ecology mushroom gravy (see The Body Ecology Diet Book). Use the cooked grain-like seed as a base for a soup or combine with fresh or even frozen veggies and stir-fry in a wok with coconut oil. We also love to roll them up in a sheet of Nori (a sea vegetable) and create a Nori wrap.
For more delicious menu ideas, The Body Ecology Diet book has delicious ocean vegetable, soup, salad and sauce recipes that make the most of seasonal vegetables.
It’s also packed with ideas on how to prepare Body Ecology grain-like seeds and animal proteins.
You’ll find that the Body Ecology system is a way of life that may seem a bit complex at first, but after you learn new principles and practice new habits, you will see the results: a happier, healthier, more productive life!