How the Food Industry Contributes to Overweight, Obesity and the Unique and Highly Effective Body Ecology Solution

How the Food Industry Contributes to Overweight, Obesity and the Unique and Highly Effective Body Ecology Solution

How the Food Industry Contributes to Overweight, Obesity and the Unique and Highly Effective Body Ecology Solution

According to statistics, 65% of Americans are overweight.1 And we’re told that to lose the weight, all we have to do is eat less and exercise more.

If only maintaining a normal weight was actually that easy!

Weight In The Modern World

Consider these factors that make us more prone to put on pounds:

  • Long work weeks
  • Chronic stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Environmental Toxins
  • Car-centric city planning
  • Myriad TV, video game and computer entertainment options
  • Abundant processed foods and fast food restaurants
  • A belief that “more is better” when it comes to portions of food and drinks

The very structure of our daily lives makes obesity more a likelihood than a possibility. Even worse, food manufacturers understand that certain ingredients make us want MORE…and they are using this knowledge to their advantage.

Why is the food industry making food addictive?

According to Dr. Marion Nestle, head of New York University’s department of nutrition and food studies, food manufacturers are already producing too much food for the population (about 1,600 calories more per person per day!)…which means they have to cut back on production and at the same time raise prices OR get you to eat more.2 So how do they get you to eat more?

They increase portion sizes, create more opportunities for snack times (vending machines in schools, for example) and add ingredients to foods that make you want to eat more. Examples of common ingredients in foods and drinks that can cause you to want to eat more are: sugar, high fructose corn syrup, MSG (monosodium glutamate), aspartame and refined mineral-depleted salt.3, 4


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