Learn 7 Ways to Use Probiotic Drinks to Improve Digestive Health and Increase their Energy!

Learn 7 Ways to Use Probiotic Drinks to Improve Digestive Health and Increase their Energy!

Learn 7 Ways to Use Probiotic Drinks to Improve Digestive Health and Increase their Energy!

Did you know that fermented probiotic food and drinks increase the availability of nutrients and digestive flora?

Hi, I’m Donna Gates, founder of the Body Ecology Diet. Over 15 years ago, I began using fermented foods and probiotic drinks to overcome a bad condition of candida that was causing me severe health challenges. After years of research and experimentation, and drawing from historical uses of fermentation in ancient healing systems, I offer you seven of my favorite ways to use probiotic drinks that I think you will enjoy:

Soaking Grain-like Seeds: Sourdough bread has been made for centuries with a fermented “starter” of flour and water. You can use the same wisdom to soak Body Ecology’s grain-like seeds so that the harmful anti-nutrients and enzyme inhibitors are removed.


  1. Rinse your grain-like seeds and put them in a bowl of water (just barely covered with water).
  2. Add in 1 – 2 oz. of the probiotic liquid of your choice (vary them to get a range of beneficial microflora).
  3. Let it stay at room temp for 2 days or so.
  4. You can discard the water or cook your grain-like seeds with it. While cooking kills the microflora, research shows that even dead healthy microflora can still benefit your immune system.

Your grains do not spoil because the fermentation process preserves them naturally. The result: your grain-like seeds are much more digestible!

Baking: Our customers with kids love to have baked goods and pancakes on special occasions. While flour lacks the fiber and benefits of whole grains and can clog your digestive tract, you can make it healthier and more digestible by soaking flour with water and probiotic drinks. B.E. Wholegrain Liquid is a great choice for this. Just follow the instructions for soaking grains, above.

Sourdough Bread Starter – add 2 – 4 TBL of your favorite probiotic drink to your sourdough starter for a more potent blend of microflora.
An Antidote to Sugar or Alcohol: Probiotic drinks are excellent to stave off sugar cravings, but if you do give in to sugar or sweet fruits, you can use these probiotic drinks to help reduce sugar’s damage.

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